Wanderer, that is a cool ship, but the poly count is high. Real high. It needs to go thru a poly reducer.
LS, lol, you have -2 karma? And you're upset about that? HAH! I have 105! Course I'm in the server business where no good deed goes unpunished. I've always given you positive prestige. You always do it right.

Dont fret. If this same guy has it in for you, u can expect negative karma every 12 hours. Some dude did that to me, and when I finally said something about it, some 20 -karma later, I found out it is against the rules to arbitrarily dish it out like that. I think this person is gonna get busted... hehe. So mb tell a moderator if it continues to climb over the next few days. They can ck that stuff.

Keep modeling!