First I'd of course like to thank everyone who has worked on/or is working on mods involving different
models for your shiplists.
Is there a way that all the model in different mods could be say standardized off a certain list?
Ex- Firesould has his 3.4 list, Bonk has done the SFB OP list, is there a way that all the "extra" models generated could be taken from the standard list?
I certainly mean no offence, but after having spent x number of, well hours it seems changing all the models in OP+ to the ones I like, I install Bonks SFB mod, it point to a bunch of new model folders, and I have to change them all again. Then say SGO comes along and I may have to change the models yet again.
Of course I'd rather have to change all the models than not have these mods to play, but
Can it be set up so that say, OP+ , Bonks Mod, SGO mod, Server XXX mod all take (for example) all Lyran CA class ships from the Lyran CA main directory.
All DN models form the DN main directory.etc
I would also think this would decrease the size of downloads needed as they wouldn't have to have all the extra ships, unless they of course introduced a new race etc.
Again not to complain (well really) but some of you who have dome so much for the community( Firesoul,Bonk) are great modders, but you have
abysmal taste in ships...