These 3 ships need to be looked at in Shipedit.. usually this occurs when you have invalid or missing entries that the game needs.
New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.
New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.
New Ship created: assets/models/sfb_op/fleetdock13/fed/fca/fcai.mod F-YRC.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.
the ones stating
Error: model is MISSING:
are unknown.. which means any of these things.. the model is not present, the shiplist does not have any pointer to the model, shiplist entry incomplete, missing specs for the model, or all the above.
The rest seem to me link invalid model pointers in the shiplist, easily corrected by either adjusting the location or name of the model or editing the shiplist.