Topic: Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....  (Read 1523 times)

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Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....
« on: December 28, 2004, 08:45:13 pm »

I took Firesoul's Test All Scripts script and tested your UAW shiplist against every model that your shiplist uses... attached is a copy of the list the script created.. you have many... many missing models in UAW...

I think many are misprints inyour shiplist.. however you may want to cross reference the *.mod name against your shiplist entries.... also several models are missing *_BRK.MOD files as well...

also several of your pointers point to OP + model folder.. several entries are invalid.. I also ran a test against Firesoul's OP + v3.4 and everything except the Yellow Sun CY checked out perfectly... he was only missing the yellow sun.. as such, i think you have several invalid shiplist pointers to the models...

anyhow, I hope that this helps.
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Re: Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2004, 08:56:14 pm »
Here is a list of Missing models using the entries that your shiplist uses...

Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/tng/borB-fshd/fms.mod    B-FRSF1

Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/tng/new602/FVEN/Venture.MOD    F-VEN


Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/tng/project armada/romulan/ships/rdestroyer/rstrike_v2.mod    B-CHRTX


Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/cardock/ksd.mod    X-CSD

Error: model is MISSING: yellowsun    CW

Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/tng/Rshrike/shrike.mod    R-RSH

Error: model is MISSING: OPPLUS/models/gfa/gfa.mod    G-FLPh

Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/PlanetGorn/Gorn1.mod    G-GORN HOMEWORLD

Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/sfb_op/fleetdock13/andpack/acl/coqd.mod    AN-COQ2

Error: model is MISSING: assets/models/tng/8472a/8472.mod    B-SDD

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/Kzinti/kzfapack/kzfal/kzlfi.mod    T-AxPFL

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/Kzinti/kzfapack/kzfas/kzsfi.mod    T-FQS

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/tholian_fleet/assets/MODELS/tholian/thol_lcom.mod    T-SCoM

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/Klingon/kf5/kddi.mod    T-TK5


Error: model is MISSING:

New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod  F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

Error: model is MISSING:     

New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod  F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

New Ship created: assets/models/sfb_op/fleetdock13/fed/fca/fcai.mod  F-YRC.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetlunAN-e/moon.mod    AN-PL0

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planettemperate-e/Ert.mod    AN-PL1

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetstorm-e/PlanetStorm.MOD    AN-PL10

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetforbidden-e/PlanetForbidden.MOD    AN-PL12

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetharmless-e/PlanetHarmless.MOD    AN-PL13

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetwater-e/PlanetWater.MOD    AN-PL16

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetsaturn-e/SatNR.mod    AN-PL17

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planettemperate-e/Erg.mod    AN-PL2

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetmars-e/Mrs.mod    AN-PL3

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetjupiter-e/Jup.mod    AN-PL4

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetsaturn-e/Sat.mod    AN-PL6

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetcitynight-e/PlanetCityNight.mod    AN-PL7

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetfire-e/PlanetFire.mod    AN-PL8

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetice-e/PlanetIce.mod    AN-PL9

Error: model is MISSING: Assets/Models/SFB_OP/Fleetdock13/All/planetearth-af-zorAN-e/earth.mod    AN-PE

As you can see by this list.. you have 2 Unknown entries as well as 3 bad models... the rest are probably invalid pointers.
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Re: Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2004, 09:48:21 pm »
Yes it does help..   I need about 6 clones to help me, lol



Fixed for Patch

Yes I Finally discovered why the F-VEN wasnt working

« Last Edit: December 28, 2004, 10:20:39 pm by Chris Jones »
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2004, 11:18:14 pm »
These 3 ships need to be looked at in Shipedit.. usually this occurs when you have invalid or missing entries that the game needs.

New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod  F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod  F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

New Ship created: assets/models/sfb_op/fleetdock13/fed/fca/fcai.mod  F-YRC.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

the ones stating

Error: model is MISSING:

are unknown.. which means any of these things.. the model is not present, the shiplist does not have any pointer to the model, shiplist entry incomplete, missing specs for the model, or all the above.

The rest seem to me link invalid model pointers in the shiplist, easily corrected by either adjusting the location or name of the model or editing the shiplist.
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2004, 11:20:31 pm »
These 3 ships need to be looked at in Shipedit.. usually this occurs when you have invalid or missing entries that the game needs.

New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod  F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

New Ship created: assets/models/tng/arch/archipelago.mod  F-ARCH.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

New Ship created: assets/models/sfb_op/fleetdock13/fed/fca/fcai.mod  F-YRC.SHIP NOT CREATED. This error is not model related. Trying again.
SHIP NOT CREATED. again. Check the ship entry in the shiplist.

the ones stating

Error: model is MISSING:

are unknown.. which means any of these things.. the model is not present, the shiplist does not have any pointer to the model, shiplist entry incomplete, missing specs for the model, or all the above.

The rest seem to be just invalid model pointers which are easily corrected by moving/renaming the models or editing the shiplist.
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Chris.. about your UAW Mod ....
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2004, 12:48:16 am »
Thanks Pesty

The F-YRC has been eliminated.

The F-Arch is a landscape.. a huge model is what it really is.  I just loaded it up in game and it was fine. I think the really big models might give the tester a problem. I had an Imperial Star Destroyer flying over water tracking the NX-01.   Nice mix.. lol. 

These files and lists are a great help, and you helping me is an even bigger help to get this patch nailed down!

..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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