Topic: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!  (Read 4242 times)

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Offline Tus-XC

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Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« on: January 28, 2005, 08:56:18 pm »
I got my new vid card in yesterady afternoon, Geforce 6800 gt.  Was so happy when i opened up the box and saw it.  so as any excited computer guy would do i went ahead and preped my computer for its new card (ie shut it down). 

So i carefully remove the old card (a 5900) and install my bran spanken new card (woot :)  was looking forward to HL2 with this thing).  I hook up everything, check my connections and start er  up.....

Now this is where is where i everything goes wrong.  First off it does start up (i was happy) but when it went to one of the text screens, my screen was suddenly filled with text overlapping .  in short really wierd.   thought to my self, can't be good, but being the optimist i am kept going. 

Got into windows, second surprise, the res is at 640X480 with 4bit for color (didn't know there was a 4 bit).  I'lm like, its good, just need to let windows install the default drivers.  it starts... halfway through...
being that i built the machine it suprised the hell out of me so i try again.. same result.  so now i think, well it starts, so maybe my bios are out of date.... so i update my bios...

still a no go....

tested in a friends computer (i have a asus p4p800 deluxe, he gots another asus brand mobo for amd, both have agp 3.0)  same problems....

as of right now i thouroghly pissed (as you can imagine) and annoyed that after building my compter and not having a single DOA that when i buy one part, ONE PART, its a DOA

ARG bloody hell

(sorry for the rant)

btw if anyone has a p4p800 deluxe and has a similar problem with a eVGA geforce 6800 let me know pls.... this is reallly buggin the crap out of me lol

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2005, 09:05:49 pm »
I'm gonna be shot for this...


ya shoulda bought a mac.  :lol: ;D
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2005, 09:13:48 pm »
nah, where would the fun be in that... i already know it will work... ;)

"Elige Sortem Tuam"

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2005, 12:34:40 am »
I'm gonna be shot for this...


ya shoulda bought a mac.  :lol: ;D

So how's SFC playing on that Mac of yours.. or how about the other 90% of software on themarket that isn't ported for Mac? sorry, couldn't pass up the dig on a Mac.. BTW, you have read where Mac is converting over to a more PC based machine haven't ya.. they are doing this in order to attempt to use software on the market.. Mac is going PC in the next couple of years..
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2005, 12:39:20 am »
I got my new vid card in yesterady afternoon, Geforce 6800 gt.  Was so happy when i opened up the box and saw it.  so as any excited computer guy would do i went ahead and preped my computer for its new card (ie shut it down). 

So i carefully remove the old card (a 5900) and install my bran spanken new card (woot :)  was looking forward to HL2 with this thing).  I hook up everything, check my connections and start er  up.....

Now this is where is where i everything goes wrong.  First off it does start up (i was happy) but when it went to one of the text screens, my screen was suddenly filled with text overlapping .  in short really wierd.   thought to my self, can't be good, but being the optimist i am kept going. 

Got into windows, second surprise, the res is at 640X480 with 4bit for color (didn't know there was a 4 bit).  I'lm like, its good, just need to let windows install the default drivers.  it starts... halfway through...
being that i built the machine it suprised the hell out of me so i try again.. same result.  so now i think, well it starts, so maybe my bios are out of date.... so i update my bios...

still a no go....

tested in a friends computer (i have a asus p4p800 deluxe, he gots another asus brand mobo for amd, both have agp 3.0)  same problems....

as of right now i thouroghly pissed (as you can imagine) and annoyed that after building my compter and not having a single DOA that when i buy one part, ONE PART, its a DOA

ARG bloody hell

(sorry for the rant)

btw if anyone has a p4p800 deluxe and has a similar problem with a eVGA geforce 6800 let me know pls.... this is reallly buggin the crap out of me lol

OK.. the first thing is first.. Check your power supply.. In my experience with the GeForce 6800 Ultra with 512 MB mem, the card required me to get a larger power supply as the one that I had in my machine was way underpowered to support the card and i experienced similar problems.. I would suggest looking at the recommended power requirements for the card and not the minimum.. I would go about 75 watts above the recommended so that the card will work.. also on the Ultra, it takes 2 power plugs to work the card.. not sure about the GT..
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2005, 11:26:41 am »
I'm gonna be shot for this...


ya shoulda bought a mac.  :lol: ;D

What you SHOULDA bought is an ATi.

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Offline Elvis

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2005, 07:52:04 pm »
Nah the 6800GT kicks anything ATI has "brought to market" on its ass. The GT requires one molex, hopefully nothing else is attached to that line.

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2005, 11:42:27 am »
Nah the 6800GT kicks anything ATI has "brought to market" on its ass. The GT requires one molex, hopefully nothing else is attached to that line.

Eh, I'll give you this - this generation Nvidia's cards are currently running better. But it all goes in cycles it seems. Last generation (the Ti's from N and 9x00's from ATi), ATi had the more powerful card by leaps and bounds.  So have fun with your 6800, but watch out, ATi's coming.
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Offline Elvis

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2005, 09:49:07 pm »
I upgraded from a 9600Pro, so I understand.

It would seem that Nvidia was quicker to market this time around. The X800XTPE cards are still difficult to find and overpriced yet there launch was what last June/May. I've even seen them on "vaporware" lists. It would seem that they rushed to counter Nvidia but didn't have any product readily available. Its sad but there are some people that are still waiting for their preorders. The other thing that has happened is that ATI has started to play games with their cards. For example, the 9800Pro all used to be 256bit, but now they are selling a 128 bit card with the moniker EZ or lite or something of that ilk. It is a 9800Pro, which certainly was the gold standard for awhile but being only 128bit pretty much castrates the card. Not that NVidia is beyond such things, it just is an inoppportune time for ATI to market with such a tactic. 

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Re: Blast it... i hate when stuff don't work ARGGGG!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2005, 09:07:12 am »
In ATi's defense, that was one of their distributors, Sapphire Atlantis that pulled that thing.  The 'official' release from Sapphire said they were unaware that people would be confused, and then made another box design to clarify after people complained. Also, you could return your 128 to Sapphire directly to get the normal 256 bit model. Not a bad deal, really.
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