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Topic: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..  (Read 2058 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« on: December 27, 2004, 10:15:28 pm »
What's the (realistic) largest number of objets you can have in a mission? (Fighter /drone wise)

Just to see if I could make planetary assaults tougher I threw a bunch of PF's on BAsestations, and put 3 fighter groups on
each def sat.
It was kinda amusing to watch.
(There were alot of drones, PD for the planet was also improved dramatically btw)
(Works much better if you use real fighters btw, not the Taldren ones)

Anyway -while I've got a (moderately) high end system, what would the likely max be before
someone gets too much lag in a PVP mission?
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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 10:34:22 pm »
What's the (realistic) largest number of objets you can have in a mission? (Fighter /drone wise)

Just to see if I could make planetary assaults tougher I threw a bunch of PF's on BAsestations, and put 3 fighter groups on
each def sat.
It was kinda amusing to watch.
(There were alot of drones, PD for the planet was also improved dramatically btw)
(Works much better if you use real fighters btw, not the Taldren ones)

Anyway -while I've got a (moderately) high end system, what would the likely max be before
someone gets too much lag in a PVP mission?

We did a PBR match last night.   3 ships versus 3 ships and 28 Hornets.   No lag.

Screwing aroind before GW3, we did several 3v3s with everyone in PF tenders with no lag but we all had good connections and decent computers.
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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2004, 11:03:53 am »
The biggest that I have been involved in is 5 players in a shipyard assault/defense.  Counting the 4 FRDs there were 17 ships on the map.  Lyrans vs Kzinti/Mirak so there were also missiles everywhere.  No lag that I saw.  It was a fun furball with my 3 Lyran vessels guarding Kzinbanes DN while its mauler recharged.   My personal squadron was badly maimed and had to disengage.
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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2004, 11:20:44 am »
Here. Have a scary screenshot. This dates from coopace 3.2 devel days, when I was testing the limits of the game.

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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2004, 02:30:08 pm »
ClintK produced a script that had many, many ships....it was for EAW.

Here's a couple screens.  Notice the info you get about the fleet when you do a deep scan  ;)

As you can tell, there are 34 ships in the fight, many are carriers or droners....
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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2004, 03:39:13 pm »
I've crashed the game. Several years ago I had the HIVE, a race I created that had a mother asteroid type ship that launched a swarm of bioships. They were all armed with offensive and defensive PlaD, and not much else. The swarm ships came in several varieties. The largest launched swarm ships of its own smaller than itself and this continued down the line...


The Swarm mother ship was berthed with 2x DN class ships that were techincally PF's. They themselves each had 2x PF's that were BC's. The 4 BC's each had 1x CA's. The 4 CA's had 2x CL's. The 8x CL's were each loaded with 2x DD's. the 16 DD's were each loaded with a decoy DD which looked like the DD but was a paper tiger.

So that was 51 enemy ships...

I took 3x fleets of 3x ships each that had drones, ftrs and such and when the PlaD starting firing off, the game slowed to a crawl... 1 fps or less and then crashed. it may have been my machine not being able to keep upl, it may have been the poly count of the models, or the limitation of the game engine to keep track of so many objects, I'm not sure...

But I have played it before, using just the DN or BC which would launch less ships. It is damned hard to win. You have to use mines to split up the swarm and then try picking off the motherships. Damned hard, mass fun.

EDIT: Mb it's time to dust off that shiplist and see the return of the HIVE in SG4?

Offline Hexx

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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2004, 03:45:05 pm »
Yeah that's basically the same idea I dod for the planet assault thing.
With everything launching a couple of PF's (not INTs) and Real fighters (used 2xF16c and 1xF111 on each Platform)
Planet Assaults become alot more interesting.

I'm assuming btw that what the mission draws for it's AI is controlled by the mission script?
IE if I change the name of a Base Station or platform (can't remember what they were ccalled) the mission won't work properly?
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2004, 04:16:22 pm »
Yeah that's basically the same idea I dod for the planet assault thing.
With everything launching a couple of PF's (not INTs) and Real fighters (used 2xF16c and 1xF111 on each Platform)
Planet Assaults become alot more interesting.

I'm assuming btw that what the mission draws for it's AI is controlled by the mission script?
IE if I change the name of a Base Station or platform (can't remember what they were ccalled) the mission won't work properly?

I've thought of using the PDUs from F&E as a model fro planet defenses.   

The SGO4 bases have been given a boost.  People trying to bust them in a solo CL are in for a surprise  ;D
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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2004, 08:02:19 am »
For u hexx! A High Chair!! ;D

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2004, 08:43:43 am »
There is a mximum limit of 19 teams and 60 ship objects set by the scripting API. A ship object is anything that exists in the shiplist.(ie ships, planets, bases, weapons platforms etc) Fighters and PFs are not included as ship objects.
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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2004, 09:22:08 am »
you also  have to rember the poly count of the models your  gonna  be using. If they are high in polys the less ships you will be able to  have in the mission. For example.I use a hight poly fed frig when using the pf mod i might encounter two ships that cary four PF each  all of a sudden there is lag because there are 8 new high poly ships on the screen.My Machine isnt a high end machine  by any means, 1.8 gig processor  and 512 megs ddr 2100 266 ram. This is what might  be even considered  middle or  lower end by todays standards.However there are people out there using  machines that arent that strong. Just something to consider.

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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2004, 10:53:02 am »
I think a majority of the casual gamers here are still under 1 GHz.

Dizzy, I'd like to try that HIVE thing :D
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Offline KBFTrajan

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Re: Whats the largest number of objects you can have..
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2004, 04:08:56 am »
Well considering how short you are Hexx, i would say you could hold one object in each hand.

KBF Trajan

