Topic: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?  (Read 3553 times)

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Offline Clark Kent

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¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« on: December 27, 2004, 08:31:49 pm »
What is this latest masterpiece about?  Censorship.  I believe it's gone too far, don't you?
For instance, I was watching Major Payne on TV once and remember that seen where Payne farts after eating the super laxative cup cake, making the JROTC kid passing by to faint?  Well, they censored out the sound!!  Seriously, why would you feel the need to censor that out??  Another instance is a favorite song of mine, depsite the fact that I don't remember the name.  In the song they talk about walking in others shoes and not judging- good message.  I t was really popular a couple years back.  However, most of the song is censored, they cut out the words whore, abortion, gun, '45, and several others.  Remember the episode of southpark where cartman was posessed by a Vietnamese prostitute and kept saying "suckey suckey five dallah?"  The censors threw a fit over that too!
Other favorite censored words: penis, vagina, titty.  God forbid that we admit these things exist.  I could understand if they wanted to censor out more venacular forms of these words, but why these?  I don't see why they need to censor at this level.  Seriously, does it have to be taken to this level?
I say we all stand up with one voice and send letters to the FCC and wussy television networks using the words penis, vagina, titty, fart noises, suckey and all the other needlessly censored words demeanding they pull the sticks out of their poop chutes!

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Offline Grand Master of Shadows NCC37385

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 11:59:42 pm »
Sorry CK, but I disagree. There have to be standards. They are in place to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Why is it so important to you to hear a farting noise or "suckey suckey, five dallah"? Rules against censrship are these to prevent the govt from stopping the free expression of ideas. Farting noises arent ideas. Its a cheap way to get a laugh. When you compare the censorship of the ideas of liberty and equality to the "censorship" of a cheap sight gag, you diminish the former. Im sure all the people that have died protecting our freedoms did so, so you could hear the word "titty".

How far would you take it? Would you have Bugs Bunny explaining the Kama Sutra to 5 year olds?

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2004, 12:27:56 am »
Sorry CK, but I disagree. There have to be standards. They are in place to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Why is it so important to you to hear a farting noise or "suckey suckey, five dallah"? Rules against censrship are these to prevent the govt from stopping the free expression of ideas. Farting noises arent ideas. Its a cheap way to get a laugh. When you compare the censorship of the ideas of liberty and equality to the "censorship" of a cheap sight gag, you diminish the former. Im sure all the people that have died protecting our freedoms did so, so you could hear the word "titty".

How far would you take it? Would you have Bugs Bunny explaining the Kama Sutra to 5 year olds?

Much of that is meant in good humor.  do kids need to hear cartman at all?  no, they probably shouldn't.  Of course, I'd rather the parents take care of that rather than the government. 
Like I said, much of that was a joke, but what's not a joke is when I listen to a song, or watch a movie with random things bleeped out because they are questionable in some asinine way to some fool who doesn't approve of lowbrow humor or because song uses the word '45?  No, sorry, but I'd rather not hear or see it in the first place if you're just going to cut and paste.  Obvious vulgarities?  The f-bomber, other swear words probably should be limited on TV and other media.  Go ahead, censor it.  Preferraby don't show or play it rather than bleep, dub or cut it because it destroys any continuity that might be there. 
Do i think "titty" really belongs on network TV?  No, of course not.  But also keep this in mind: the word Pussy is actually a shortened version of the word pusillanimous (Lacking courage; cowardly).
I don't know where, along the line it became associated as a vulgar word, or one associated with female genitalia, but just the same, I've gotten in quite a great deal of trouble on occassion when I used that word in someone's presence.  And the real kicker?  Pusillanimous has gotten me in bigger trouble.  That's where my joking ends; when I can't use perfectly civilized word without being told I'm being vulgar.  If it's so vulgar, then why does this word still go unchecked when you watch the wizard of OZ?  Go ahead, watch it, it's used to describe the lion.  But if I use it I need to be sanctioned and disciplined.

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Offline toasty0

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2004, 01:26:35 pm »
Much of that is meant in good humor.  do kids need to hear cartman at all?  no, they probably shouldn't.  Of course, I'd rather the parents take care of that rather than the government.

And, why should I--as a parent--have to constantily worry about the quality and content of the entertainment that is broadcast into my livingroom? Why can't I trust those who call themselves entertainers to show a little intellect and good taste instead of being baffoons looking to pander to prurient tastes and vulgar humor. If I can't trust them, then as a parent I'm going to beat up on my elected respresentitives to kick the crap out of the guys and gals who're making the decisions to broadcast those base materials.

Sadly, it isn't about censorhip of ideas but about trusting your fellow to show the same class and concern about your children as you would hope they would expect of you toward their children.

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2004, 03:38:05 pm »
   If someone wants to hear the crassness and the vulgarities, then go buy the uncensored CD/DVD.  If it is on regular TV, then they DO have a responsibility to the general public.  Bad enough when the commercials after a certain time have call-a-whore commercials on them. 
   Those should go as well.   People want to stoop to that level, switch to cable or buy the DVD. 

NPR is a lot like NASCAR.  Two hundred miles an hour in a circle, and you end up right back where you started with nothing but lost time for the effort.

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2004, 06:39:09 pm »
Bah none of you appreciates the intellectual quality of a good fart joke.

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2004, 10:24:09 pm »
Bah none of you appreciates the intellectual quality of a good fart joke.

isn't that a tennet of punisherism??? should be ;)
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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2004, 11:05:05 pm »
What is so offensive about a fart anyways?  i do it all the time, and the only thing that seems to bother people is the smell, but they don't seem offended, just displeased with the odor.  Especially with the SBD's.  No one's ever been offended though.  Sometimes grossed out, but never offended.

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Offline Dallas

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2004, 11:30:36 pm »

Offline Grand Master of Shadows NCC37385

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2004, 01:45:23 am »
Bah none of you appreciates the intellectual quality of a good fart joke.

The bean scene in Blazing Saddles was one of the funniest things Ive seen, but I dont want it playing, or versions of it, around the clock. No one in their right mind wanted to see Janet Jackson's old sagging tit either (you know there have been more lips on that old milk sack than have been on the blarney stone).  :P

Why some people think that "humor" and "entertainment" should pander to the "low-brow" I'll never understand.

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2004, 01:49:20 pm »
Bah none of you appreciates the intellectual quality of a good fart joke.

The bean scene in Blazing Saddles was one of the funniest things Ive seen, but I dont want it playing, or versions of it, around the clock. No one in their right mind wanted to see Janet Jackson's old sagging tit either (you know there have been more lips on that old milk sack than have been on the blarney stone).  :P

Why some people think that "humor" and "entertainment" should pander to the "low-brow" I'll never understand.

Pander to?  No.  We'd just prefer that low brow humor not be treated like some insipid thing that should always be looked down on.  Some of the best humor is low brow.  Not all, not even most, but some.
Blazing saddles was truly one of the funnies movies ever made, but I don't see how anyone could play it on network TV without completely butchering it and ruining all the humor in it.  But blazing saddles goes into the obviously vulgar category with their repeated use of the N word in such a casual manner.  Hillarious, but most likely not something you want the kiddies to listen to.  However, you take that out and you destroy some of the funniest stuff of the movie.
Janet jackson's nipple antics also, being nudity at a certain level, also goes into the obviously vulgar cataegory.
I'm not worried about things like that.  Censor that stuff, I have no problem on that.  On a side note, though, I don't think the FCC should have gone so all out after nipplegate.  Seriously, fine her, even keep her off live TV, but they kinda went nuts after that little mess.
Is a fart comparable to loose nipples or wonton use of the N word?  I think not.

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Offline toasty0

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2004, 09:28:29 pm »
We'd just prefer that low brow humor not be treated like some insipid thing that should always be looked down on

say what?!

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2004, 11:34:11 pm »
We'd just prefer that low brow humor not be treated like some insipid thing that should always be looked down on

say what?!


It's a weakest link in the chain type of thing.  We're in the chain, you cannot get rid of us.  Without us it's not longer a chain.  It's two chains.  Deal with it.    :P

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2004, 10:06:06 am »
Look up George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Radio or Television"..
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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2004, 10:14:19 am »
Right, you mean the guy who just checked himself into rehab...again? Yeah, like that is someone I should entrust as a arbitor of intellegence.
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Offline Grand Master of Shadows NCC37385

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2004, 10:21:36 am »
You need to watch Blazing Saddles again CK. While Mel Brooks created alot of sight gags for that movie, there was more than just those. The "N" word wasnt what was funny. The scene where the "new Sheriff" shows up for instance. Every time the "old codger" yells "The sheriff is a "N", the bell rings. Finally, when everyone sees the sheriff, they want to string him up. The sheriff, knowing he's stepped in "shiite", takes himself hostage. In the end, one of the townspeople says, "someone help that poor man".

It wasnt the use of the "N" word, it was the movement of the characters from wanting to kill him to wanting to save him...from the "N"...which was himself. There is a difference between a "sight" gag and a "psyche" gag.

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2004, 10:42:38 am »
You need to watch Blazing Saddles again CK. While Mel Brooks created alot of sight gags for that movie, there was more than just those. The "N" word wasnt what was funny. The scene where the "new Sheriff" shows up for instance. Every time the "old codger" yells "The sheriff is a "N", the bell rings. Finally, when everyone sees the sheriff, they want to string him up. The sheriff, knowing he's stepped in "shiite", takes himself hostage. In the end, one of the townspeople says, "someone help that poor man".

It wasnt the use of the "N" word, it was the movement of the characters from wanting to kill him to wanting to save him...from the "N"...which was himself. There is a difference between a "sight" gag and a "psyche" gag.

That definately helped you to laugh with the N word in full play.  Everytime they used any type of racial slur it was absolutely ludicrous, moreso even than when those words are used in the real world.  Has to be the only time I can think of when racial slurs were actually funny.  Another part of it though, was the absolute shock of hearing those words and phrases used so liberally when we're taught to never utter them, especially in public.

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2005, 05:40:05 am »

Bah I just saw this YOU bastard!!!

Wait...I'll hook up the detonator to my finger.

Yes, pull my finger. MUahahhaha

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Offline Dallas

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Re: ¿Dondé está la cabra de felicidad?
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2005, 11:48:23 am »

Bah I just saw this YOU bastard!!!

Wait...I'll hook up the detonator to my finger.

Yes, pull my finger. MUahahhaha

Sweet! My second "You bastard" since I've became a moderator.
I must be doing something right.   ;D