I've crashed the game. Several years ago I had the HIVE, a race I created that had a mother asteroid type ship that launched a swarm of bioships. They were all armed with offensive and defensive PlaD, and not much else. The swarm ships came in several varieties. The largest launched swarm ships of its own smaller than itself and this continued down the line...
The Swarm mother ship was berthed with 2x DN class ships that were techincally PF's. They themselves each had 2x PF's that were BC's. The 4 BC's each had 1x CA's. The 4 CA's had 2x CL's. The 8x CL's were each loaded with 2x DD's. the 16 DD's were each loaded with a decoy DD which looked like the DD but was a paper tiger.
So that was 51 enemy ships...
I took 3x fleets of 3x ships each that had drones, ftrs and such and when the PlaD starting firing off, the game slowed to a crawl... 1 fps or less and then crashed. it may have been my machine not being able to keep upl, it may have been the poly count of the models, or the limitation of the game engine to keep track of so many objects, I'm not sure...
But I have played it before, using just the DN or BC which would launch less ships. It is damned hard to win. You have to use mines to split up the swarm and then try picking off the motherships. Damned hard, mass fun.
EDIT: Mb it's time to dust off that shiplist and see the return of the
HIVE in SG4?