Topic: Come on slackers, Get posting  (Read 50196 times)

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Offline Fedman NCC-3758

  • Brother Federico the Feducator & Lord High Mokus
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Re: Come on slackers, Get posting
« Reply #140 on: August 06, 2006, 06:26:44 pm »
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
 :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot: :singing: :woot:
The Star Spangled Banner bring hither,
 O're Columbia's true sons let it wave.
May the wreaths they have won never wither,
 Nor it's stars cease to shine on the brave.

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Come on slackers, Get posting
« Reply #141 on: August 10, 2006, 04:42:43 pm »

Ahem, if your gonna quote the cube, quote the last damn one!  ;D ;D ;) ;)

Now let me get back to my cuuuube worshiping...

 We are the cube! we address all as humans, until they join the serenity and bliss of the cube. ;)

 Join us. Become more than you are. There is joy in the collective, There is purpose.

What do i need to do in this thread?

You just did it! :)

 It is too late he has been assimilated

 Locutus was saved by luck only. Resistance is futile.

Individualism is irrelevant...they will be assimilated. There is peace in the cube! (Prepares Nanocubes...)  :o

Locutus did not escape.  He is our plant in your society, and still part of the collective.  You cannot resist. 

Bwaahaahaahaaaaaa! The internet is ours...soon everything will be inside the cube.  >:( >:( >:( ;D

(Actually it's looking more like a giant wedge right now  :-)

Fools! Do not defoul the cube with your pathetic individualism. Have at thee before I'm forced to assimilate your posts!!!  :P :P :P

 Each day we grow stronger.

 Resistance is futile

 Hope is iirrelevant .

 Join us.

*Throws cubelets at rebels and keeps giving the Internet wedgies*

Preparing cutting beams!!!

We are not losing.  You are merely inconsequential.  You will be assimilated in time.

And yet another Bump

The cube keeps cannot be stopped!  :o ;D

Sure it can.  All we rebells have to do is get so nasty that the thread gets locked.  Not that we would of course.

Naw, they'd just delete the post and keep on Rollin.   ;D

The Assimilation has begun...!!! (Unfortunatly the cube is getting so big it will start ripping a hole in Space/Time)  :(

Disention in the ranks!!! I had already assimilated their posts into the cube collective!  :o  ;)

Bumppity do dah  ;D

Thanks Postman, the cube must remain pure!  :o  ;D

The Cube shall never bow to another thread.  All praise the Cube!~!


The cube will defeat the weak & assimilate the mighty. Targets identified. Species : Dynaversites. Numbers : Irrelevant. Threat : Negligable. Proceed with strategy 774. None must remain...

It has been assimilated. 

Well, it has now.  Kinda new at this Borg Cube religion.  Some things take more work to assimilate.  But your ass im ilate is mine now, bub. ;D

Why didn't anyone bump it today?

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The bump is futile...

You know, I never knew exactly why this thread had so many pages. Now I know. Thanks.


The power of the cube compels you!!!11

Please, stop the madness!!!  Oh wait...   ;D


Are we there yet?

Not yet, but I heard the server is smoking. ;D

Man this thing can get a lot bigger if we tried. We need to harvest more souls for the Cu-ube!  :o

The Daily Bump

Bumping the Cube again.
Bumppity Day


 We are becoming qwite large.

Extra Bumpage administered.

 Bump! :) I shall not let you die my Precious.

Don't you have enough Bumps on that Head of yours Ravok?


Bumpity doo dah....

Bumppity Day

My oh my, what a wonderful day...

Plenty of sunshine coming my way...

 Zipidy, Doo Dah what a wondrefull day. :)



Wow this thing is getting kind of big.   ;D



Offline Javora

  • America for Americans first.
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Re: Come on slackers, Get posting
« Reply #142 on: August 10, 2006, 06:16:28 pm »

Ahem, if your gonna quote the cube, quote the last damn one!  ;D ;D ;) ;)

Now let me get back to my cuuuube worshiping...

 We are the cube! we address all as humans, until they join the serenity and bliss of the cube. ;)

 Join us. Become more than you are. There is joy in the collective, There is purpose.

What do i need to do in this thread?

You just did it! :)

 It is too late he has been assimilated

 Locutus was saved by luck only. Resistance is futile.

Individualism is irrelevant...they will be assimilated. There is peace in the cube! (Prepares Nanocubes...)  :o

Locutus did not escape.  He is our plant in your society, and still part of the collective.  You cannot resist. 

Bwaahaahaahaaaaaa! The internet is ours...soon everything will be inside the cube.  >:( >:( >:( ;D

(Actually it's looking more like a giant wedge right now  :-)

Fools! Do not defoul the cube with your pathetic individualism. Have at thee before I'm forced to assimilate your posts!!!  :P :P :P

 Each day we grow stronger.

 Resistance is futile

 Hope is iirrelevant .

 Join us.

*Throws cubelets at rebels and keeps giving the Internet wedgies*

Preparing cutting beams!!!

We are not losing.  You are merely inconsequential.  You will be assimilated in time.

And yet another Bump

The cube keeps cannot be stopped!  :o ;D

Sure it can.  All we rebells have to do is get so nasty that the thread gets locked.  Not that we would of course.

Naw, they'd just delete the post and keep on Rollin.   ;D

The Assimilation has begun...!!! (Unfortunatly the cube is getting so big it will start ripping a hole in Space/Time)  :(

Disention in the ranks!!! I had already assimilated their posts into the cube collective!  :o  ;)

Bumppity do dah  ;D

Thanks Postman, the cube must remain pure!  :o  ;D

The Cube shall never bow to another thread.  All praise the Cube!~!


The cube will defeat the weak & assimilate the mighty. Targets identified. Species : Dynaversites. Numbers : Irrelevant. Threat : Negligable. Proceed with strategy 774. None must remain...

It has been assimilated. 

Well, it has now.  Kinda new at this Borg Cube religion.  Some things take more work to assimilate.  But your ass im ilate is mine now, bub. ;D

Why didn't anyone bump it today?

Code: [Select]

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The bump is futile...

You know, I never knew exactly why this thread had so many pages. Now I know. Thanks.


The power of the cube compels you!!!11

Please, stop the madness!!!  Oh wait...   ;D


Are we there yet?

Not yet, but I heard the server is smoking. ;D

Man this thing can get a lot bigger if we tried. We need to harvest more souls for the Cu-ube!  :o

The Daily Bump

Bumping the Cube again.
Bumppity Day


 We are becoming qwite large.

Extra Bumpage administered.

 Bump! :) I shall not let you die my Precious.

Don't you have enough Bumps on that Head of yours Ravok?


Bumpity doo dah....

Bumppity Day

My oh my, what a wonderful day...

Plenty of sunshine coming my way...

 Zipidy, Doo Dah what a wondrefull day. :)



Wow this thing is getting kind of big.   ;D



Wow this thing is huge now...   ;D

Offline Fedman NCC-3758

  • Brother Federico the Feducator & Lord High Mokus
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Re: Come on slackers, Get posting
« Reply #143 on: August 10, 2006, 06:50:23 pm »

Ahem, if your gonna quote the cube, quote the last damn one!  ;D ;D ;) ;)

Now let me get back to my cuuuube worshiping...

 We are the cube! we address all as humans, until they join the serenity and bliss of the cube. ;)

 Join us. Become more than you are. There is joy in the collective, There is purpose.

What do i need to do in this thread?

You just did it! :)

 It is too late he has been assimilated

 Locutus was saved by luck only. Resistance is futile.

Individualism is irrelevant...they will be assimilated. There is peace in the cube! (Prepares Nanocubes...)  :o

Locutus did not escape.  He is our plant in your society, and still part of the collective.  You cannot resist. 

Bwaahaahaahaaaaaa! The internet is ours...soon everything will be inside the cube.  >:( >:( >:( ;D

(Actually it's looking more like a giant wedge right now  :-)

Fools! Do not defoul the cube with your pathetic individualism. Have at thee before I'm forced to assimilate your posts!!!  :P :P :P

 Each day we grow stronger.

 Resistance is futile

 Hope is iirrelevant .

 Join us.

*Throws cubelets at rebels and keeps giving the Internet wedgies*

Preparing cutting beams!!!

We are not losing.  You are merely inconsequential.  You will be assimilated in time.

And yet another Bump

The cube keeps cannot be stopped!  :o ;D

Sure it can.  All we rebells have to do is get so nasty that the thread gets locked.  Not that we would of course.

Naw, they'd just delete the post and keep on Rollin.   ;D

The Assimilation has begun...!!! (Unfortunatly the cube is getting so big it will start ripping a hole in Space/Time)  :(

Disention in the ranks!!! I had already assimilated their posts into the cube collective!  :o  ;)

Bumppity do dah  ;D

Thanks Postman, the cube must remain pure!  :o  ;D

The Cube shall never bow to another thread.  All praise the Cube!~!


The cube will defeat the weak & assimilate the mighty. Targets identified. Species : Dynaversites. Numbers : Irrelevant. Threat : Negligable. Proceed with strategy 774. None must remain...

It has been assimilated. 

Well, it has now.  Kinda new at this Borg Cube religion.  Some things take more work to assimilate.  But your ass im ilate is mine now, bub. ;D

Why didn't anyone bump it today?

Code: [Select]

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The bump is futile...

You know, I never knew exactly why this thread had so many pages. Now I know. Thanks.


The power of the cube compels you!!!11

Please, stop the madness!!!  Oh wait...   ;D


Are we there yet?

Not yet, but I heard the server is smoking. ;D

Man this thing can get a lot bigger if we tried. We need to harvest more souls for the Cu-ube!  :o

The Daily Bump

Bumping the Cube again.
Bumppity Day


 We are becoming qwite large.

Extra Bumpage administered.

 Bump! :) I shall not let you die my Precious.

Don't you have enough Bumps on that Head of yours Ravok?


Bumpity doo dah....

Bumppity Day

My oh my, what a wonderful day...

Plenty of sunshine coming my way...

 Zipidy, Doo Dah what a wondrefull day. :)



Wow this thing is getting kind of big.   ;D



Wow this thing is huge now...   ;D

And getting BIGGER!

The Star Spangled Banner bring hither,
 O're Columbia's true sons let it wave.
May the wreaths they have won never wither,
 Nor it's stars cease to shine on the brave.

Offline Dracho

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Re: Come on slackers, Get posting
« Reply #144 on: August 14, 2006, 10:19:04 am »

Ahem, if your gonna quote the cube, quote the last damn one!  ;D ;D ;) ;)

Now let me get back to my cuuuube worshiping...

 We are the cube! we address all as humans, until they join the serenity and bliss of the cube. ;)

 Join us. Become more than you are. There is joy in the collective, There is purpose.

What do i need to do in this thread?

You just did it! :)

 It is too late he has been assimilated

 Locutus was saved by luck only. Resistance is futile.

Individualism is irrelevant...they will be assimilated. There is peace in the cube! (Prepares Nanocubes...)  :o

Locutus did not escape.  He is our plant in your society, and still part of the collective.  You cannot resist. 

Bwaahaahaahaaaaaa! The internet is ours...soon everything will be inside the cube.  >:( >:( >:( ;D

(Actually it's looking more like a giant wedge right now  :-)

Fools! Do not defoul the cube with your pathetic individualism. Have at thee before I'm forced to assimilate your posts!!!  :P :P :P

 Each day we grow stronger.

 Resistance is futile

 Hope is iirrelevant .

 Join us.

*Throws cubelets at rebels and keeps giving the Internet wedgies*

Preparing cutting beams!!!

We are not losing.  You are merely inconsequential.  You will be assimilated in time.

And yet another Bump

The cube keeps cannot be stopped!  :o ;D

Sure it can.  All we rebells have to do is get so nasty that the thread gets locked.  Not that we would of course.

Naw, they'd just delete the post and keep on Rollin.   ;D

The Assimilation has begun...!!! (Unfortunatly the cube is getting so big it will start ripping a hole in Space/Time)  :(

Disention in the ranks!!! I had already assimilated their posts into the cube collective!  :o  ;)

Bumppity do dah  ;D

Thanks Postman, the cube must remain pure!  :o  ;D

The Cube shall never bow to another thread.  All praise the Cube!~!


The cube will defeat the weak & assimilate the mighty. Targets identified. Species : Dynaversites. Numbers : Irrelevant. Threat : Negligable. Proceed with strategy 774. None must remain...

It has been assimilated. 

Well, it has now.  Kinda new at this Borg Cube religion.  Some things take more work to assimilate.  But your ass im ilate is mine now, bub. ;D

Why didn't anyone bump it today?

Code: [Select]

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The bump is futile...

You know, I never knew exactly why this thread had so many pages. Now I know. Thanks.


The power of the cube compels you!!!11

Please, stop the madness!!!  Oh wait...   ;D


Are we there yet?

Not yet, but I heard the server is smoking. ;D

Man this thing can get a lot bigger if we tried. We need to harvest more souls for the Cu-ube!  :o

The Daily Bump

Bumping the Cube again.
Bumppity Day


 We are becoming qwite large.

Extra Bumpage administered.

 Bump! :) I shall not let you die my Precious.

Don't you have enough Bumps on that Head of yours Ravok?


Bumpity doo dah....

Bumppity Day

My oh my, what a wonderful day...

Plenty of sunshine coming my way...

 Zipidy, Doo Dah what a wondrefull day. :)



Wow this thing is getting kind of big.   ;D



Wow this thing is huge now...   ;D

And getting BIGGER!

We did this once on Taldren.  We gave up before it did.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz