Hey Mr Cue if everybody here did a spam post, how many would we need?
We could multiply the effort by starting one of those annoying qoute the last qoute threads. 
I don't know if that would be acceptable.

In not sure, but me thinks the thread could get quite long.
not long enough i think we need alot more people.
And AngelSlayer the more people we get playing the game, the more stronger we become.
"the More stronger we become"
AHAA! this is why we don't let you post between 4 and 6 Am.

2 more hours Mike, and I should have my new phone line installed.
Stephen does the happy happy Joy joy dance.
I want this place to thrive, to be huge! to bring the joys of ST to all!!! 
Giant quote Pyramids have been known to cause a thread to stop working normally. Hopefully this one will go OK.
The ones we had at Taldren where huge. I wonder how big it will get?
Very Big.
How big is very big??? 
Do you mean big.big. Or Huge?
And again.
How many do you think we can get?
all of them I bet.
The Gods will protect us! We are on a holy qwest!!! 
The quote pyramid...It's alive!
Huh, looks like a bunch of rectangles to me... West I get it. / 
We are the Knights who seek the The most Squarely Holy Quote.
It became a quest when i misspelled it!!!
Bow before the Holy Quest!! of the Cube!!!!!
How about tilting your head slightly? 
Disbelievers!!!! Heretics!!!! You are NOT of the Body!!!!

Ah Ha! Up to no good!!!!!
It matters not to the mighty cube!!!!!! 
Nemesis, Lyrkiller Have a happy new year +1 for both of you.

Do not shy away from the Cube. Embrace it!!! Can't you hear its siren call? 
We only seek to improve other form members reading experience.
Somebody had to do it
Starts to chant: Break the Cube,Break the Cube, Break the Cube, Break the Cube, Break the Cube.
Ha foolish human!!!!! Now you have been assimilated.
Resistance is futile. Your posts will adapt to serve us.