Yes folks, we are in yet another "boom," sigh, will it ever end? Avg. cost for a single person to live in the Austin Metro area? Almost $1500 a month, and that's rent baby, not buying and making payments on a house. Unless you got $400,000 to $6,500,000 you are NOT gonna get much, or if you do you will have the traffic blues from commuting.
Anyways, there is GOOD news for N.C. and Oklahoma and Ohio! Dell will be opening a manufacturing site in Winstom-Salem, N.C. and call centers and distribution centers in OK, and OH! Dell HQ will still remain in Central TX.
Myself? I wish he would pack and leave!

He might be a billionaire and I'm not, but he REALLY screwed up Austin and Round Rock with plants and offices right off the I-35 corridor. The least he could have done is go away from it for a dozen or two dozen miles so that traffic does not get slammed by the Wal-Fart Supercenter/Dell plant combo in Round Rock. Plus the guy is a megalomaniac, his name is on a ballpark (Dell Diamond, home of AAA Round Rock Express) and multiple buildings in the Austin metro area, talk about gag me with a spoon.