make the shipyards only create non-restricted ships, whatever they are, and use DB edits to distribute specially assigned ships.
My only gripe about OOB is that the yards are often stocked with either crap or restricted ships so if you lose your initial D7C you're faced with the decision of flying an E3Y, D6N, the ever-popular G2 or the dirt-cheap C7 that's been obviously and loudly restricted off.
In other words, use whatever rules are necessary, since most of up will play, just spend a little time with the shiplist to make sure the crap is cut out and restricted ships don't spawn, and edit the DB to distribute them. Fairly useful since most of the ideas that are being thrown around use the premise of build cycles, so when the server's down between build cycles for cleaning, the DB can be edited to redistribute ships. Of course, this means that once you lose it you have to fly a CL or whatever's not restricted till the next cycle. I wouldn't reccommend making CL's restricted though, since, speaking from experience, it really really sucks flying a DD when everyone else has CA's on up. At least in a CL/CW I stand a chance of taking a large portion of the CA's down with me