Topic: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?  (Read 2306 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Worst beating or incident at the hand of an "Ally"?

Mine has to be Bear on GW2(?)
Bear , flying a Hydran Carrier, realizing we're not allied in mission
Drops all his fighters on me at PB range.
It hurt

Number one incident overall would have to be.. Nail
Tractoring me into an asteroid,(after a "friendly fire "incident) then running into the same rock himself.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2004, 10:19:56 pm »
You talking funniest momment?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2004, 10:33:21 pm »
Funniest thing that ever happeend in a PVP,
Something that you can't believe someone did to you
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2004, 11:21:50 pm »
Maverick tractoring me into a planet,

I thought the Hydran ship in mission with me was ai till I saw the tractor lock when I was range four away from the planet at a dead stop.  But an easy mistake to make considering how Maverick flies  ;D

What made it more memorable was the posting of the Kills on that automated kill sheet.  Never has screwing your wingman been so fun as that.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2004, 11:40:11 pm »
Maverick tractoring me into a planet,

I taught him that. ;)

Was Chuut and me in Mirak BC/V's vs Krueg and someone else and/or someone else mb (apologies, I have been partying drunk silly) and I have never yelled on TS more than that night. It was hair raising scary and loads of laughter fun I have never had the likes of before. It beat all the seat of my pants vs DN kills with my lesser ships and all that stuff by far... What a rush!

Second runner up was me and Mav flying a CWLP and a C7 vs Matsukasi in his Mirak CVA. Was an epic battle... ;)

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2004, 02:10:16 am »
GW1, Was you and I both in the Z-BCHi vs a K-C7 of Krueg's and a K-D5D flown by someone (Nail perhaps?).   We were on a private battle channel, Dizzy yelling his ass off in a panic/adrenaline rush as he fought off a horde of drone, and I was laughing my ass off listening to his voice jump octives.  We won largely due to his miraculous escape from that situation with some major balls and mad skills.  Have to say he flew like a champ that time, of course he got himself into that situation too  ;D   Was incredibly fun! and I'll take Dizzy as my wingman anyday, for good or bad the man is a helluva lot of fun to fly with.    :thumbsup:

Offline deadmansix

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2004, 05:16:33 am »

 my missions with Mav when he lead all the enemy AI back to me and then took off and left me he did this twice (I will find his skinny butt and stuff him into a garbage can ) j/k maybe. then we left him in the middle of enemy territory after we deep struck about 50 hexes behind enemy lines  ;D


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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2004, 11:46:54 am »
Funniest moment for me was on GW2, when Hexx (flying LDR) learned that hellbore-ESG interaction worked with allies.

Offline Hexx

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2004, 12:15:53 pm »
Funniest moment for me was on GW2, when Hexx (flying LDR) learned that hellbore-ESG interaction worked with allies.

LOL I'd forgotten about that one.. I ca still remember staring at the screen wondering what happened.

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2004, 12:17:32 pm »
Coolest part was that you had a down shield already.  ;D

Offline Hexx

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2004, 12:21:56 pm »
Coolest part was that you had a down shield already.  ;D

Coolest part was when YOU STOPPED SHOOTING ME!
Bastard..  ;D
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Offline Strafer

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2004, 04:14:23 pm »
Funniest moment for me was on GW2, when Hexx (flying LDR) learned that hellbore-ESG interaction worked with allies.
As opposed to when you did it to FireSoul accidentally? Twice in a row?
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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2004, 04:16:27 pm »
Worst beating or incident at the hand of an "Ally"?

Mine has to be Bear on GW2(?)
Bear , flying a Hydran Carrier, realizing we're not allied in mission
Drops all his fighters on me at PB range.
It hurt

Number one incident overall would have to be.. Nail
Tractoring me into an asteroid,(after a "friendly fire "incident) then running into the same rock himself.

He-he... "Hey, Hexx, you realize we aren't allied?"
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Offline Maverick

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2004, 08:24:48 pm »
Maybe not against allies but one of my more memerable ones was me and Weamz vs some player (can't remember the name sadly) I went and tractored him with evil plans of taking him right into a rock. Until I misjudged and pushed him beside it and he turned so I was about to go into it. So I all stopped delaying the inevitable until Weamz comes in and tractors me and starts pushing. after a good 20-30 seconds of this we finally get him into the rock and amazingly enough Weamz didn't run me into the rock as well... Had to be the one of the most hilarious things ever since at one point I knew for certain I was about to become the stupidest man alive for my plan backfiring and then my hero came in and saved the day.

Offline Maverick

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2004, 08:28:22 pm »
As far as with allies... My God there's no way I could pick one. You stick me, Chuut, Agave, Deadman, Weamz, Entrail, Soreyes, and the rest of the night crew on the same server together yet alone the same mission there is bound to be some very memerable 'incidents'

To try and name a few it would be that VC kill page, human planet spear, leading the AI to Deadman, My God the T-bomb wars, any time the ally tag gets dropped, and our late night deep strike sages. Great fun.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2004, 09:09:36 pm »
Damn, I'd have thought diving into the atmosphere would have been very memorable. You probably block out all the unpleasant ones, huh? Member the epic fight me and u vs Matsuaksi's M-DNH/SCS? I'm still writing a story about that one.

Offline Matsukasi

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2004, 09:50:47 pm »
Yep, that was a good one Diz.

That was the first time I actually pulled a capture off on someone. The situation just made it all the more thrilling.

I know Mav remembers it since I gave him so much crap for it over the years.  ;D

Was that AOTK or IDSL? I've forgotten now. Think it was IDSL. That server was hella fun anyway. Think I killed about 50 players and lost at least a dozen ships along the way. Fun times. Wish I could play more now, but real life is kicking my arse all over.

Oh well, T bomb Mav one time for me on the next opportunity.

Oh, yeah... it was a CVA btw. Think I had a DF and an MCC as AI allies with the small BS. You guys had an L-NCA and a couple other CLs from what I can remember. Fur flying goodness all around.
Yep, I got some common sense finally!

Offline Maverick

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2004, 03:02:23 am »
Damn, I'd have thought diving into the atmosphere would have been very memorable. You probably block out all the unpleasant ones, huh? Member the epic fight me and u vs Matsuaksi's M-DNH/SCS? I'm still writing a story about that one.

Yeah Epic doesn't even begin to describe that one.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: T-Bombs are for Amateurs.. Whats the most memorable PVP incident?
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2004, 03:15:41 am »
As far as with allies... My God there's no way I could pick one. You stick me, Chuut, Agave, Deadman, Weamz, Entrail, Soreyes, and the rest of the night crew on the same server together yet alone the same mission there is bound to be some very memerable 'incidents'

To try and name a few it would be that VC kill page, human planet spear, leading the AI to Deadman, My God the T-bomb wars, any time the ally tag gets dropped, and our late night deep strike sages. Great fun.

Yep the late night crew always have an incident or two, or three or four. ;D

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