
What level of OOB do you like?

Multiple ship restrictions (MSR) only
MSR & DNs and up
MSR & BCHs and up
Full OOB incl specialty ships
OTHER (explain)

Topic: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll  (Read 4864 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« on: December 24, 2004, 11:29:24 am »
Well here is another poll  ::), but what the hell  :P

Well, since we had the other poll about OOB, perhaps we might want to look at the level of OOB most players enjoy as well.  Might give a more detailed view of what people like.

Besides will give us something to read on the forums today  :P


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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2004, 11:34:56 am »
I voted MSR & BCHs and up, but would be perfectly happy one level up or down as well.

P.S. I think you should scrap the poll Chuut, and add "MSR & BCVs and up" as an option.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2004, 11:37:18 am »
I voted MSR & BCHs and up, but would be perfectly happy one level up or down as well.

P.S. I think you should scrap the poll Chuut, and add "MSR & BCVs and up" as an option.

I think that is the OTHER selection  ;D

BTW for clarification MSR does not mean multiple ships are necessarily excluded, just means some guidelines are in place as to what can be flown together if anything.

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2004, 11:41:43 am »
Election year is over folks... sheesh another poll...

chuut, I'm tired of polls. If you want a poll of what I really want, here's my xmas list... I want a 5'10", green skinned, 38DD-24-34, and extremely slutty and a little trashy OSG...


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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2004, 11:44:36 am »
New poll:

Should Dizzy STFU?

- Yes
- Hell yes

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2004, 11:58:00 am »

I'd like to see restrictions phased in by rank....the higher the rank...the more OOB restrictions...

This way casual players or late commers wont face much restriction....of course they wont be able to afford much either...so by the time they can afford  to put together too much cheese....they would be of high enough rank to face restrictions on what they fly...

This will have the effect of countering the heavy iron on the board in the hands of nutters and free up the bottom end of the shiplist for the rest of us...

IMHO...we need to turn the CnC restrictions on their head....

The people who spend the most time on the server (and who's compounded actions have more effect upon the server map) quickly fall under CnC restrictions....people who may only spend a few hours a week...or who join the server late....wont face the same burden of resriction...but will be flying smaller ships(maybe mini fleets)...for less time on the server....thus have a smaller effect on the over all campaign map...

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2004, 12:03:16 pm »
This is going to be so cool, when you collect the data from all your polls and run that community based server that appeases everyone and serves a model for all democratic servers in the future. <snicker>
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2004, 01:04:34 pm »
This is going to be so cool, when you collect the data from all your polls and run that community based server that appeases everyone and serves a model for all democratic servers in the future. <snicker>

Well I agree that a full democracy rarely works well in putting together a server,  however for me larger player numbers are often accopanied by more fun, thus I see no problem with getting a feel for what players want.  Some take a build it they will come mentality and that is fine, but the approach of finding out generally what people want and working with that is also a valid approach.  Any mockery of such an approach is kinda counterproductive I think. 

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2004, 01:06:55 pm »
New poll:

Should Dizzy STFU?

- Yes
- Hell yes

You need a poll for this?    ;D
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2004, 01:22:28 pm »
This is going to be so cool, when you collect the data from all your polls and run that community based server that appeases everyone and serves a model for all democratic servers in the future. <snicker>

Well I agree that a full democracy rarely works well in putting together a server,  however for me larger player numbers are often accopanied by more fun, thus I see no problem with getting a feel for what players want.  Some take a build it they will come mentality and that is fine, but the approach of finding out generally what people want and working with that is also a valid approach.  Any mockery of such an approach is kinda counterproductive I think. 

Mockery is never counter productive, and creating polls or getting a feel for what players want has never resulted in more players on a dyna, nor an actual dyna to play on. Actions are better. Run a dyna with the various settings an see what works, because you will never get a poll result that pleases everyone.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2004, 01:25:11 pm »

Mockery is never counter productive

Ok then,

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2004, 03:00:03 pm »
Now you're the one stating the obvious Chuut.


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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2004, 03:33:01 pm »
...I'd like to see restrictions phased in by rank....the higher the rank...the more OOB restrictions...

...The people who spend the most time on the server (and who's compounded actions have more effect upon the server map) quickly fall under CnC restrictions....people who may only spend a few hours a week...or who join the server late....wont face the same burden of resriction...but will be flying smaller ships(maybe mini fleets)...for less time on the server....thus have a smaller effect on the over all campaign map...

Though I do see your point Crim, I don't really agree with your "nutterphobic"(R) position.  Why shouldn't those who can put hours into a campaign be allowed to reap a benefit?  I'm not a nutter, but don't mind seeing those who are get the advantage they should get.

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2004, 04:10:39 pm »
...I'd like to see restrictions phased in by rank....the higher the rank...the more OOB restrictions...

...The people who spend the most time on the server (and who's compounded actions have more effect upon the server map) quickly fall under CnC restrictions....people who may only spend a few hours a week...or who join the server late....wont face the same burden of resriction...but will be flying smaller ships(maybe mini fleets)...for less time on the server....thus have a smaller effect on the over all campaign map...

Though I do see your point Crim, I don't really agree with your "nutterphobic"(R) position.  Why shouldn't those who can put hours into a campaign be allowed to reap a benefit?  I'm not a nutter, but don't mind seeing those who are get the advantage they should get.

I'm not nutter phobic...hehe...good term... ;D

I dont make up page after page of rules to counter nutters, that end up effecting casual players hardest.... I dont restrict shiplists that result in favor to those who play the most over those who make up the majority of players...

The entire cascade of rules and restrictions are all a result of trying to counter the nutter....none of this my doing...

I'm not unhappy with anyone in particular....its just this restriction creep has come so far as to restrict frigates.....c'mon...that's just silly...

What I am pointing out....(the obvious)....is that NONE of that works.... :-\

All we have done is close off entire sections of the shiplist .......firesoul adds em...and the admins taketh away...

Just call it "Star Command"...cuz there aint no "fleet" in it anymore ;D...at least not from a player prospective...havent been able to fly multiple ships for ages...even on servers they where legal....I didnt have the gaming time to gain high enough rank to fly them...

The best server as of late for fun IMHO was  Squadren Commander....something totally new and innovative...

As far as restrictions go....I'd like to see no need[i/] for them at all....the game should be able to do much of this stuff behind the scenes if an admin wants it...

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2004, 04:22:23 pm »

The thing is, it's not the casual player who's on for 1 or 2 hours a night 3-4 days a week that's going to really affect the server.  They only affect a server through sheer numbers, ie, one side has lots of casual players, then the casual fleet can really affect a server.

It's the nutters that are on 4+ hours per night, 6-7 nights a week that tend to rule / make headway on a server.

The "current" OOB system, along with extremely high BCH / DN ship prices, that's marganilizing the casual player base, and have led to the severe drop in server numbers.

I've noticed that most people dropping this game are the casual players, the nutters left are in this for the long haul.  Of course, once certain nutters drop to casual player status through things like Jobs, Marriage, parenthood, etc., they see what life as a casual player is like, and frequently drop.

Meanwhile, this "build it and they will come" attitude needs to be kept in perspective.  How many players who have "left the game" are still checking these boards periodically in order to see if a server to their liking is being planned / scheduled?  The alienated playerbase tends not to know that their viewpoint is coming back into vogue and that they should consider coming back, nor do they know that we're looking for more opinions...

And Crim, we need source code for your proposal... :D

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2004, 05:42:53 pm »
See hre's the thing Chuut
Your problem is you need a brain.
Once you have one it will become much easier to function in today's society
and you'll post more useful stuff than this giberish.
It all depends on the server as to what kind of OOB is needed.

A server with Roms/Gorns and Kzin is going to need some serious "specialty ship" restrictions in order
to keep the plasma boys form being wiped out on day 1.
A Fed Klink server would need far fewer restrictions.
A hydran/Lyran server would probably work with severe fighter CnC rules and nothing else.

It's all subjective.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2004, 06:14:35 pm »

The "current" OOB system, along with extremely high BCH / DN ship prices, that's marganilizing the casual player base, and have led to the severe drop in server numbers.

Appearently this myth won't die. You even redefined what the term nutter means.
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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2004, 06:17:08 pm »

The "current" OOB system, along with extremely high BCH / DN ship prices, that's marganilizing the casual player base, and have led to the severe drop in server numbers.

This makes no sense, casual players never were able to fly DNs anyway when PP was the only control.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2004, 06:24:20 pm »

I'm not nutter phobic...hehe...good term... ;D

I dont make up page after page of rules to counter nutters, that end up effecting casual players hardest.... I dont restrict shiplists that result in favor to those who play the most over those who make up the majority of players...

The entire cascade of rules and restrictions are all a result of trying to counter the nutter....none of this my doing...

I'm not unhappy with anyone in particular....its just this restriction creep has come so far as to restrict frigates.....c'mon...that's just silly...

What I am pointing out....(the obvious)....is that NONE of that works.... :-\

All we have done is close off entire sections of the shiplist .......firesoul adds em...and the admins taketh away...

Just call it "Star Command"...cuz there aint no "fleet" in it anymore ;D...at least not from a player prospective...havent been able to fly multiple ships for ages...even on servers they where legal....I didnt have the gaming time to gain high enough rank to fly them...

The best server as of late for fun IMHO was  Squadren Commander....something totally new and innovative...

As far as restrictions go....I'd like to see no need[i/] for them at all....the game should be able to do much of this stuff behind the scenes if an admin wants it...

I agree it would be nice to hide all this OOB crap with the game engine. I disagree that rules are all created to counter the nutter, they are also there to counter the cheesier.

In the OOB scheme we have layed out, no ship has been taken away. They have just been limited as to their total availability. I have made a proposal in the other thread that opens it up to even more players, so that everyone can have a chance to fly their favorite ships. I have separately, suggested that ships of CL and small hull be completely unrestricted.
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Re: What level of OOB do you like?, another silly poll
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2004, 06:37:48 pm »
I have separately, suggested that ships of CL and small hull be completely unrestricted.

Why CL and below and why not CA and below? can you please explain the rationale behind this.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2004, 06:52:34 pm by Grim »