Well, of course the NX-01 is cleaner... it's a refinement of the design...
And I say that
NOT to bring the old flame war to this discussion, but rather to ask this: Has anyone, in planning an Akira "refit" or design evolution, considered taken the refinements of the NX-01 and applying them to the TNG Akira? IMO, it'd work best if the Akira's "secondary hull" bulge was kept under the saucer, with the deflector, leaving the "cutout" at the front of the saucer for the photons, but there's all sorts of other things that could be done, too.
A justification could be something like this: if the Akira is either a through-deck carrier, a fire-support cruiser with 15 photon tubes, or (God forbid)
both, that thing's got to be expensive and time-consuming to build--perhaps a bit of simplification and refinement could make a ship that was equally effective but easier to build. As Age pointed out, the Akiras did seem to hold their own in the midst of pretty tough battles...
You know, the problem with these sorts of discussions is that some of the stuff we have to take into consideration, the look of "canon" starships, isn't always determined by what's best, but by what looks "best." This started, as near as I can figure, right about the start of DS9's third season. The Defiant, like it or not (and I don't want to start up
that flame war again either), has basically nothing to do with the Starfleet design style at all. This, of course, is because it wasn't originally a Starfleet ship at all, it was an early concept for a Bajoran impulse fighter for the second season opening arc. The original mandate from Piller and/or Berman was for a beefed-up runabout, but that wasn't cool enough, so the impulse ship got the nod. Then we had the Voyager screwup, where some IMO much superior early work by Rick Sternbach was producer-commented into the model we wound up with. (I don't actually mind the Voyager we wound up with, BTW, it's actually not too bad, but there are at least two of his earlier versions that I prefer.) And of course even people who like the NX-01 mostly don't bother to argue with the fact that it was designed that way because it looked cool. This makes any discussion of "the Starfleet design style" somewhat more difficult...