Topic: U.S.S. Veracious project scrapped  (Read 2630 times)

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Offline Sandman3D

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Re: U.S.S. Veracious project scrapped
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2004, 09:57:17 pm »
Yeah dude, ya never throw 'em away...look at my Valley Forge...or the Titan...just put it aside, move on, then when you find it again, or decide to it, you keep what you like and finish it. ;)

In other words, DON'T BE A TEASE!!! >:( >:( >:( ::) ::) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
"Proudly you gathered, rank on rank to war,
As you heard God's message from afar;
All you had hoped for, all you had, you gave
To save mankind-yourself you scorned to save."

Offline Reverend

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Re: U.S.S. Veracious project scrapped
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2004, 12:27:00 am »
Thanks. But I prefer my new project, this one wasnt up to scratch  >:(

Bigger and better... makes the world go round  8)

Ooookay, big bro, you're the boss.... I still thought she was awesome, but I trust you, you put out some real baddies....