
Which of these options best describes how you feel about Order of Battle Servers

Absolutely love it
Prefer it but it isn't perfect
Feel same about OOB and non OOB servers
Dislike OOB
Like the idea, but would like it done differently than in the past

Topic: Just curious, How many people like OOB?  (Read 32279 times)

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #180 on: December 24, 2004, 02:40:39 pm »

And whatever you say about who likes what etc, the population of players is declining, so something must be going wrong somewhere..

Missed this earlier. This is an incorrect conclusion as to why player numbers contine to decrease. Something doesn't have to be wrong with the way the recent dynas have been played for the numbers of an aging niche game to continue to decrease. This too is a warped mindset that lays the blame for the decline in player numbers at the feet of the one thing that is keeping the game alive at all, the admins.

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #181 on: December 24, 2004, 02:54:17 pm »

Kroma i posted that 2 days ago and since then i have explained reason why the population has declined being a combination of things. And as i stated in a few posts earlier main reason why we have lost of chunk of players recently i.e. over the past few servers is due to argumnets between races over various other things such as shiplist related issues. Its this excess baggage over the past few servers which recently have drove players off.

I advise for once you accept that someone may have a difference of opinion to yours, its not a hard concept to understand, there are many points of view to everything. I accept your point of view over OOB, i believe its wrong so i have my own opinion. And too my knoweldge i have hardly critiicised your opinions with the venom you have towards me.

Grow the f*ck up quite frankly, i accept your opinion took it into conisideration and mine differs, big deal.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #182 on: December 24, 2004, 03:05:57 pm »

Kroma i posted that 2 days ago and since then i have explained reason why the population has declined being a combination of things. And as i stated in a few posts earlier main reason why we have lost of chunk of players recently i.e. over the past few servers is due to argumnets between races over various other things such as shiplist related issues. Its this excess baggage over the past few servers which recently have drove players off.

And I still disagree that the reason for the decline is due to arguements or server settings. There have always been arguements over server settings. The game will continue to lose players even if everyone always agrees, because it is getting old and for no other reason, and I simply point out that that general line of thinkinig where you attempt to blame the decline on the very people that keep the game alive is counter productive.

I advise for once you accept that someone may have a difference of opinion to yours, its not a hard concept to understand, there are many points of view to everything. I accept your point of view over OOB, i believe its wrong so i have my own opinion. And too my knoweldge i have hardly critiicised your opinions with the venom you have towards me.

It isn't direct criticism I am trying to counter. It is the mindset that the very people that spend their hard effort creating servers are to blame for the general decline that I am trying to counter. You have repeatably implied that they are to blame or must be doing something wrong. And todate, I haven't shown any venom towards you, I have simply stated why I don't like your idea or propensity to blame others for your lack of fun.

Grow the f*ck up quite frankly, i accept your opinion took it into conisideration and mine differs, big deal.

So you are finally starting to catch on. I believe this is what we have been telling you all along. It is just your inability to accept the fact that admins are only obliged to create servers that fit their own opinions and your mindset that blames them for the decline of the dyna because of this, that is a deal at all.

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #183 on: December 24, 2004, 03:14:38 pm »
Its obvious you want a slanging match Kroma, well you wont get one from me i wont stoop to the level of personal insults.

In some ways i admire your passion to the topic, but however criticising me cause of a difference of opinion and that you inability to be unable to comprehend what opinions are and how they differ from person to person is beyond me. You should accept my opinion differs from yours but you clearly cant.

I have taken into account what you have said and i still disagree with it. But at least i accept your opinion even though i dont agree with it.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #184 on: December 24, 2004, 03:20:18 pm »
Its obvious you want a slanging match Kroma, well you wont get one from me i wont stoop to the level of personal insults.

Honestly, what personnel insult? The only thing close to a personnel insult I have seen so far was where you told me to "Grow the F up". I just disagreed with you and your conclusions.

In some ways i admire your passion to the topic, but however criticising me cause of a difference of opinion and that you seem to be unable to comprehend what opinions are and how they differ from person to person is beyond me. You should accept my opinion differs from yours but you clearly cant.

I have taken into account what you have said and i still disagree with it. But at least i accept your opinion even though i dont agree with it.

I haven't criticised you, I criticised your idea and preception that the admins are to blame for decreasing player numbers.  Where does it say I don't except your opinion? I just said I disagree with it and will therefore not invest effort in it, and have suggested that if you feel strongly enough about it you should pursue it yourself. You guys are unreal.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #185 on: December 24, 2004, 03:43:14 pm »
I haven't criticised you, I criticised your idea and preception that the admins are to blame for decreasing player numbers.  Where does it say I don't except your opinion? I just said I disagree with it and will therefore not invest effort in it, and have suggested that if you feel strongly enough about it you should pursue it yourself. You guys are unreal.

I never said that admins are purely to blame for a decline in players numbers, there are many reasons why on a recent basis numbers have declined which i have stated and so have others. The only reason i talked about servers in the first place was the comment that DH made concerning that fact he has asked opinions for servers then states he doesnt give a sh*t about their opinions. Now for example what if someone who thinks to themself hmm i have a great idea but oh wait they dont give a sh*t really so no point really, then there is a potential loss of ideas that could keep the communty going longer.

I was merely pointing out its more beneficial in my mind to get the community involved at any point, whatever people say the community is declining surely we would want to try and keep it alive as long as possible. Server admins can do what they like, run servers the way they want i was just pointing out i believe the state that the community is in its more beneficial to create servers that the community likes in attempt to keep player retention and thus slow the decline. I'm all for a variety of different types of server as i stated earlier.

But going back to this original topic it appears to me that future servers are going to be more strict in terms of OOB, fair enough if the majority of the playerbase wants that, but from what i've seen and heard and in this poll there is no comprehensible majority that want pure OOB in servers. Of course my prediction may be wrong and if in the future what i said is untrue than i accept that, i just want to make sure there is a balance of servers avaialbale to cater all tastes and so that the player can choose.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2004, 04:10:26 pm by Grim »

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #186 on: December 24, 2004, 04:09:40 pm »
Can everyone just accept the fact that I have no tact and move on?   ;D
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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #187 on: December 24, 2004, 04:12:04 pm »
Can everyone just accept the fact that I have no tact and move on?   ;D

Ok :P

Really is no need to belittle yourself, i respect you as a player and of course for the time and effort you put into running campaigns despite at times our radical difference in opinion.

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #188 on: December 24, 2004, 04:25:11 pm »
I'm obviously being a bit facetious however, the limits have to stop somewhere, with the current developing trend of limiting more and more and more I don't see this as a positive thing as eventually if the trend continues you will alienate everyone that you have not already

Since you seem to have forgotten Bach, here is where you escalated the debate to heated levels by accusing the admins of continuing to alienating everyone they haven't already, when all they ever did was put up servers that they wanted to play on themselves. Why you draw the conclusion, that just because someone puts up a server that is to their own liking they are therefore responsible for those that are left without a server that meets their liking when they didn't even bother to create one themselves, is beyond me.

You started out in your very first post in the thread accusing those that work so hard to create the few server that still exists of being responsible for the alienation everyone that has left the game of late and of continuing to do so. If our brand of fun alienates you, then maybe you should stop blaming us for your lack of fun and try creating some of your own. Take responsibility for your own fun and stop always blaming others when their idea of fun doesn't meat your expectations.

Yeah whatever Kroma I agree to disagree.

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #189 on: December 24, 2004, 05:27:17 pm »

I never said that admins are purely to blame for a decline in players numbers,

You are correct, you never said purely. Why you need to blame anyone at all though  is beyond my understanding.
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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #190 on: December 24, 2004, 05:29:40 pm »
What I call a "non-ace"  is a player casual or nutter who doesn't consider themselves overly skilled at pvp, lets call him "X". 

Rhymes with...

"Likkerpig" doesn't really rhyme with "X"


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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #191 on: December 24, 2004, 05:31:49 pm »

But going back to this original topic it appears to me that future servers are going to be more strict in terms of OOB,

Actually, while you and Bach, were rationalizing and defending your right to blame the admins. I proposed a solution that attempted to make a compromise that allows for a win-win. You guys might have missed it though or dismissed it out of hand since it's source is to blame for the down fall of the dyna.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #192 on: December 24, 2004, 05:36:13 pm »
if anyone has an actual idea (aside from Kroma and chuut's pathetic attempt) for OOB /Non oob on a server
post it here. (Or link to it, If there was one I've probably forgotten it)
I have not one, but TWO servers I'n thinking of running now (and of course that KCW thing sometime)
If it's a cool idea I'll be more than happy to swipe it.

Oh and just for punishment we'll make DH run the servers on his box.

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #193 on: December 24, 2004, 05:37:12 pm »

Yeah whatever Kroma I agree to disagree.

I have no issue with disagreement. It is when you feel the need to blame someone as a means of strengthening your own position I take issue with. It is possible for you to put forth a new idea or way of doing things without a backhanded slap at those that have done it differently in the past you know. Instead you started off in your very first post on the topic with that type of accusation. I bolded it for you, it has nothing to do with disagreement on server setting. It has to do with your approach to getting your ideas accepted by those that invest their time creating the dynas. You will catch more flies with honey.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #194 on: December 24, 2004, 05:38:36 pm »

if anyone has an actual idea

God it is scary when he talks like that. It is almost like he is making sense.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #195 on: December 24, 2004, 05:40:41 pm »
What I call a "non-ace"  is a player casual or nutter who doesn't consider themselves overly skilled at pvp, lets call him "X". 

Rhymes with...

"Likkerpig" doesn't really rhyme with "X"


Shaddup and get into your outfit, customers are waiting! With LeRoy off you are pulling a double shift!

Oh, take a damn bath first!

Damn uppity midgets!

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #196 on: December 24, 2004, 09:21:33 pm »
if anyone has an actual idea (aside from Kroma and chuut's pathetic attempt) for OOB /Non oob on a server
post it here. (Or link to it, If there was one I've probably forgotten it)
I have not one, but TWO servers I'n thinking of running now (and of course that KCW thing sometime)
If it's a cool idea I'll be more than happy to swipe it.

Oh and just for punishment we'll make DH run the servers on his box.

What about an OOB that makes assigning eternal police cruisers to a 1 player from each race.

Hmmm....Lets see:

Lyran:  Hexx,  nah better make it Likkerpig, Hexx will get there on his own.
Kzinti:  Green
Hydran: 762
Klingon:  WarSears
Gorn:  Kroma
ISC:  Julin
Romulan:  Dizzy
Federation:  Die Hard

Yeah I kinda like that....... ;D

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Re: Just curious, How many people like OOB?
« Reply #197 on: December 25, 2004, 03:53:06 am »
My two cents about the servers... Seems to be a natural progression in progress - when the games were first released there were many fans and many that just wanted to fly the ships they saw on TV and in the movies for years.  Others were long time SFB players delighted to escape the hex prison and play in almost real time.  As time went on, the game began to get old, and players dropped off of the screen for various reasons.  As even more time went by, the number of hardcore SFB players began to outnumber the casuals - hence the growing emphasis on rules to even out the game.  Personally I see the future of the game going almost completely over to the SFB set - pretty much nothing can be done about it.  It IS a pretty old game, by now, and the remaining players are entitled, as Kroma stated, to play in the way they like :).  The only reason I plan on still playing the game is that the guy that I bought the game to originally play with is a SFB nut.  Sadly, even I have to face the facts.