Well I for one have no problem with admins setting up a server as they see fit without consulting others. If you paint a picture and no one is paying you a commission for it, should you paint something you don't want to just because someone else wants you to do it?
The idea presented, however, is that if admins are trying to create a server with a good mass appeal as an objective, it is important for them to know how players feel about various issues, and to look at any ideas presented, whether they use them or not.
I do not condemn the use of OOB in any form by an admin as I appreciate their efforts whether I like the result or not. But this does not mean that I cannot offer suggestions and try to encourage them to consider other methods which I think are worth looking at. If I ever get too bored with it I can always try to create my own vision, or move on to another game.
One of the biggest factors in the loss of options and fun is player loss for whatever reason. Therefore I am trying to come up with systems which might reach across differences in points of view on preferred setup, so as to have the best mass appeal. It might work or it might fall on its face, but perhaps it deserves a chance, then again perhaps it doesn't.