The results are interesting so far, with a pretty even split in opinions ......
8 love it, 8 dislike it, 5 don't care one way or the other, 9 like it better with it than not, but would like some changes, and 9 want to revamp the system as they don't prefer it, but see some merit in the general concept, just not as it is.
My whole intent was to see where people fell on this issue and wondering if there was any reason to spend time thinking up a way to reconcile those who liked and those who disliked OOB, so that more people would be content with the practice. If everyone loved it or at least preferred it there would be no need to waste thought on it. If everyone hated it there would be little reson to try to keep it in any form. It seems that there is a disparity in how people percieve it though, therefore perhaps some time might be spent in thought about how to tailor it to a more general concensus of approval.
Of course a server admin can and should do whatever they please, but most admins are interested in a good turnout and hope to please as many as possible, as long as it doesn't interfere with their concept. There is of course nothing wrong with an admin doing things exactly how they want, after all they are taking the time and trouble to provide a free service, and if you don't like it don't play on it. Yet this poll suggest that an admin and the community might consider putting their thinking caps on about the issue as I think it is fair now to say there is no majority when it comes to this issue, at least not after 39 responses