Atrahasis wrote the following at his site about the T-12:
"If you want to use it in-game, here are some specs for first appears in the TOS era:
T-12 Carrier of Doom------Type A
Class Type: Carrier
Hull: CV
Balance: 0
First Year: ------------------5
Last Year: ------------------999
Base class: -----------------none
R/L warp: -------------------15
Center Warp (AWR) --------0
Impulse: --------------------4
APR: ------------------------0
Battery: --------------------4
Bridge: ---------------------10
Lab: ------------------------4
Transporters: ---------------8
Tractors: -------------------4
Size class: -----------------3
Turn Mode: ------------------C
Move cost: ------------------(0.80)
Acceleration: ---------------10
HET: ------------------------1
HET Breakdown: --------------3
Cloak: ----------------------NONE
Explosion: ------------------17
Sensors: --------------------6
Special Sensors: ------------0
Scanners: -------------------6
Dam Con: --------------------6
Probes: ---------------------1
Shields: --------------------32/24/24/24
Fwd hull: -------------------0
Center Hull: ----------------2
Aft hull: -------------------10
Armor: ----------------------6 (the "engine shielding" mentioned in the blurb)
Cargo: ----------------------16
Excess dam: -----------------5
Bay size: -------------------4
Launch rate: ----------------1
Shuttle Base: ---------------4
Max: ------------------------4
Crew reg: -------------------*4
Min: ------------------------4
Deck Crew: 10
Marines base: ---------------24
Max: ------------------------48
2 bays of 5 X Fighters each<p>
T-bombs: 4, 8
It seems the ship has defensive/offensive beam weapons only:
2 X Ph2 FA
2 X Ph2 SFBL
2 X Ph2 SFBR
2 X Ph2 RA
(and perhaps 1 X ADD 12 on later variants in the 2270's)
The crew that it has is surprisingly low, which means that once it starts to take damage it will not be able to fight back very well. But at least it has a whole lot of marines so that taking it over is difficult.
It's basically a Coronado with way less wepaons but more transporters and marines. Btw I still haven't gotten it in my mail, but I'll be glad to adjust it for you. "