OK this is an OLD texture set that uses DTW's Akula as well as some of his Abbe Class Refit textures combined with Ganymad's Ulysses and WZ45's own Akula Textures.
http://www.klingonfanatic2.20m.com/images/akula_4.jpgI was thinking that the designers of the Akula and the Starfleet Admirals whom love this ship class would want to upgrade this design to keep up with other TMP era destroyer designs such as the Loknar Refit USS Phobos. Afterall, it's often cheaper to refit than buy a new ship class. The Loknar has 4 torpedo tubes, three forward and one aft and is not really that much different in overall construction to the Akula class (two warps, a saucer with a modified torpedo tube). I figure that at least one late TMP Akula refit would have two standard rear torpedo tubes and targeting sensor equipment plus two impulse crystals on either side of the top warp strut. Many Klingon and Romulan destroyers have rear mounted weaponry that could place the Akula destroyers at a tactical disadvantage. Additionally, the secondary support strut would have fewer crew compartments and be more automated, which hopefully translates into cheaper operational costs and higher survivability for the ship. Note that the shuttle docking rings have been removed from the torpedo section and external torpedo and/or drone loading bays have been added. This would allow the Akula to spend less time away from the front lines as munitions freighters could reload the ship on the move. Additionally, these Akula Refits could be converted, within twelve standard hours, to drone carriers if a shortage of Photon Torpedoes or launcher spare parts arose.
I am just waiting for some additional lighting tweaks to be done and WZ45's permission to release this at Battleclinic.