Some like it, some hate it.
Some of us are simply StarCastling twats
In any event (without flames... although we havent had any kinda flamewar in like... forever)
Most servers have an interesting little rule that says you must engage, you can't fly around the map wasting the other guys time.
Basis of the rule is you must fight (as I understand it)
Now on GW..uhmm..3 I thin it was I flew against a few pilots that castled, some completely outgunned my ship, some didn't.
The ship I was in was not suited (imho) to breaking a castle.
So I refused to engage. I flew around outside their weapon range until they sped up a bit (15+) where I proceeded to attack, they'd usually slow back down to 3-8, and I'd fly out of their range again.
rinse & repeat.
A few laughed it off, one or two got kinda upset that *I* was refusing to enage them
I'm not trying to accuse anyone or say they were wrong and I was right, but if (read "when") this situation occurse again, who's in the right? The guy who refuse to fight a castler, or the guy that flies at spd 3 -8 pouring everything he can into shileds etc?