I put a little test server up to play with it for now, if that's OK with you? (Let me know if not, and I'll kill it right away. If it is OK I'll post a thread for the server in the D2 forum)
Its on the
UAW shiplist as is, using the
SFB-OP mission pack (installer now updated so that the SFB-OP-04 mod is not required to install just the missions)
Political Settings:
| | Alliance: | Coalition: |
Empire layer: | | Romulan Fed Klingon Breen (Hydran)
| Dominion (Lyran) Cardassian (Mirak) Borg (Gorn) ISC
Cartel Layer: | | Hydran (Syndicate) Tholian (Wyldefire) Kzinti (Prime) Gorn (Orion)
| Lyran (Korgath) Aliens (BeastRaiders) Andros (Tigerheart) Ferengi (Camboro)
Stock late map, late era start, initial PP 10000, 10 minute turns, DV shifts of one, draft radius zero, movement of one, mandatories only on enemy territory, up to 5 missions offered at once...