Well, to tell the truth, my parents have all sorts of ideas about what type of people are on the internet, safety of the internet, and lots of other items. They like to know what I've been up to and what I've been doing. It may seem a little sticky, and a little annoying, but though I do get a little upset, I know they do it because they care. They are of the brand of the observant relatives. They make sure they know what we are doing and what we are involved in. My uncle doesn't regulate internet use that heavily, just checks up to see where I've been. My parents on the otherhand, believe anything over 30 minutes a day is unhealthy unless it's for business...they heavily believe one has better uses of their time.
So to say the least, when my parents are around, I am on the computer a lot less, and almost live on the computer when I'm by myself, or at my uncles, and it's somewhere in between that when I'm with other relatives.