Hey Everybody!
In my continuing quest to attempt to tweak and improve things that probably don't need tweeking or improving
I've been toying with a few ideas to use on server. As the title sayd- of you think these won't work let me know.
try and use small words if possible.
1)- SFB standard fighters loadouts - pros, lots of fighters, cons' bad if you're A) not in a carrier
B) don't like fighters
2)- Carrier Groups (player flying carrier may take second ship as escort, Escort would be worth say 5VP if killed, Carrier 10)
Pros- Makes carriers alittle more realistic, means even DNH's would have to be a little wary around the big ships.
Cons- Some races (ie Lyrans) have absolutley terrible escorts. Other escorts have tons of drones so it's easy to overwhelm
just about anyone with drones.
3)-PVP "Ace" bonus VP. Everyone knows some players (Madelf) are harder to kill than others (Dizzy) This is kind of rewarding someone hunting down and destroying an enemy "Ace" ship and crew.
All PVP is tracked (which it pretty much is anyway) 1 VP (+ ship VP if any) for every PVP kill on the server. An Ace pilot is worth one vp (plus ship) for every pilot he's killed.
So say DH is lumbering around in that beast he feels safe in, smashes 6 D5D's (cuz no one ever loses a DN to a D5D right?) DH is now worth 6vp if killed.
4) Have Fast Cruisers + DNL's immune to deepstrike rules of no disengement unless caught by anothe CF or DNL.
(Didn't this get tried once?)
5) I mentioned this before, didn't get alot of feedback o it, but I like the idea
- Have evryone at the server start Assigned specialty ships X# od CVA's Dn's BChs etc
Very very very few more will be built.
-Pros Everyone who wants one gets to fly the specialty ships
-Cons -If you lose your big ship your stuck in something smaller for (likely) the rest of the server.
Will peeps play as much if they don't have the pp going towards getting themselves a big ship ) I think so but..)
Some would consider it a con because it would provide "unrealistic" numbers of SFB ships.
Having recently discovered that the Klinks only built 10 C7 class ships (including variants) in total, I'd say the numbers are already out of whack so why bother,