Topic: Conquest Campaign for OP  (Read 1707 times)

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Conquest Campaign for OP
« on: December 15, 2004, 07:52:27 pm »
I am looking for a conquest campaign for OP. Does someone have one I can download? I'd like to try out UAW without all of the anoying ISC missions.


Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2004, 08:20:11 pm »
If you use the OP Enhancement Pack, it includes about 40 Conquest camapigns with the Evil Dave mission scripts.. a perfect test for UAW...

now if you are just wanting the scripts and campaigns for OP, i can upload just the Script package in the OP Enhancement Pack...

if you are using Empires, then I dunno...

anyhow, let me know and I'll get you the latest version soon.. I'm about to upload the OP Enhancement pack v2.2 that has the updated NW Evil Dave missions and updated Conquest Campaigns....

Just post back here if you want the script pack or the entire Enhancement Pack.. if the Enhancement Pack, it will be online later tonight and I'll make a post on it in the Dynaverse 2 Forums tomorrow...

If you just want the Scripts pack, I'll upload it and post back to this thread with a DL link for it..

Either way, it will be a fun experience.
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2004, 01:31:12 am »
The script pack seperately would be very cool to have, if you wouldn't mind please?
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Offline IndyShark

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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2004, 07:41:30 pm »
Pestalence, I have the OP enhancement pack. I assume when I installed the UAW mod, I lost some of the enhancements. I am using your mode chooser to switch back and forth between UAW and OP+.

Should I reinstall the enhancement pack so UAW is enhanced or should I wait? Thanks a lot for your help!

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2004, 08:05:28 pm »
Actually I am currently upgrading Chris' Installer for UAW to work with OP Enhancement.. basically a special build version designed for use with the Mod Chooser...

Chris' batch files will mess up the OP Enhancement pack as well as mod chooser in it's current form.. as such, I am going to rebuild the UAW mod in a OP Enhancement compatibility and also upload the OP Enhancement Pack v2.2

as such, I have reduced Chris' Mod pack in size from 635 MB down to 454 MB .. however I am rebuilding it at the moment as I need to add uninstallers to the Mod so that the Icons will work correctly.. there will be a special set of instructions for UAW Mod Install for use with the Enhancement pack.. however, it is easy, just a couple of extra steps that will need to be followed, however all the campaigns will work with UAW when it is finished.. as such, the Conquest Mode will work correctly...

Sorry for the inconvience.. it will be ready either tonight or tomorrow and it should be online for DL come Sun latest.. hopefully sooner..

as for the Script Package.. I will have it available Monday for DL.. sorry for the wait, but I just wanted to get this up as soon as possible...

I am going to also revise UAW for non OP Enhancement use.. as such,I need to revise some of Chris' files and batch files for proper file swapping... his batch files use short dos names and some systems do not recognize short dos names (like mine) and as such it will mess up OP itself as well as Mod Chooser and the Enhancement Package.. soooo.. I am basically building him 2 revised versions of the Mod.. 1 for use with OP v2552 with OP + v3.4 installed.. the other will be OP with OP Enhancement Pack v2.2 installed..

anyhow, hope that this helps...
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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2004, 08:12:15 pm »
Help? That's awesome! Thanks for the extra effort. UAW really rocks and your enhancement pack will make it even better.

I can't wait! Thanks again

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2004, 07:45:07 am »
Uploading now to Nightsoft with OP Enhancement Pack v2.2 and UAW for OP (Enhancement Pack Version)

I'm also uploading the scripts pack independantly.. this is for the standard UAW mod online at the moment.. it is designed to install on top of UAW....

now if you change game modes using the regular UAW install.. you will need to uninstall the scripts pack and then reinstall it because Chris has his mod change the file, which will cause an error with UAW and the Script pack campaign setups.. as such, eveytime you use Chris' batch files for swapping the game play modes, you will have to uninstall the Script Pack and reinstall it.. at least until I can rebuild that version of his mod installer..

If you are going to use the Enhancement Pack version of UAW mod, then you will need to do the following...

1) Completely remove any  content added to Orion Pirates since you installed the Enhancement Package.

2) Completely remove the Enhancement Package that you currently have installed using the Uninstall Steps listed below.

Uninstall Instructions :

To uninstall the OP Enhancement Pack, just go into your OP game directory and double click the OP_Enhancement_Uninstall.exe file. and follow the instructions listed in the pop up DOS window. It will uninstall each component one at a time to ensure that Orion Pirates will remain in it's original state, with exception of a couple of game file fixes for Single Player and for Dynaverse Connection.

Five components that the OP Enhancement Pack can not uninstall with it's uninstaller is the v2552 patch, the OP Bonus Content, Shipedit, and Sector Assault. To uninstall Sector Assault and Shipedit, use Window's Add/Remove Programs. To Remove Mod Chooser and Mod Chooser created files, delete the Mod Chooser and Preset folders out of Orion Pirates game directory. To remove patch v2552, Firesoul's Mini-Updater and OP Bonus Content, Uninstall and reinstall Orion Pirates.

3) Uninstall Orion Pirates game from your PC and delete the Starfleet Command Orion Pirates game directory off of your system.

4) Disable Anti-Virus for the remainder of the steps.

5) Make sure that your drivers for your sound card and video card are the latest version. Please check with the manufacturer of your cards for the proper drivers.

6) Make sure you are running the latest version of DirectX.. At time of creation of this package, the current version is DirectX 9.0c. This version of DirectX adds stability and smooth game play.  Players not using DirectX 9.0c may cause others in game to suffer lag, drops, inability to connect during mission loads, etc. This is stated in the Microsoft DirectX FAQ page.

7) Reinstall Orion Pirates from game CD. Say no to DirectX and Gamespy Arcade installs.

8) Install the Orion Pirate Enhancement Pack v2.2 and allow it to install fully. This process will go through several separate installers by way of a black DOS window once the main installer closes. Follow all instructions listed in the DOS window for complete OP Enhancement Pack install.

**Note** - The installer contains 4 choices for the Enhancement Package Install... If you are following the install instructions in this section.. the first 2 choices in the installer will also install the Orion Pirates game patch v2552.. One choice will install the OP + with models and the other had OP + without models... Please install as space and system specs allow.

9) During OP Enhancement Pack Install, Mod Chooser will launch 2 times.. once after the Mod Chooser Install... this will back up Taldren's original configuration, the selection screen in Mod Viewer will not have an active Mod Selection as it will only have the Taldren Original set up.. this is normal..

10) After OP + installs from the Enhancement Pack, the Mod Chooser will launch again.. Name the Mod OP + and save to an empty slot... in theMod Selection Screen, the OP + will not be selectable.. this is normal as the game is already in OP + configuration.. Keep the game in OP + mode.

11) Install UAW Mod Pack for OP (Enhancement Pack Version) and follow all install instructions... UAW installer part 2 will launch Mod Chooser at the end of install.. give the UAW Mod a name and select an empty slot OR select a current Mod to overwrite the Mod in that slot. You will see UAW is not selectable.. this is because OP is already in UAW game mode... Once the installers are finished installing, then you can Launch Mod Chooser which will allow you to choose at this point in time Taldren's Original Config, OP + Config.. UAW will be greyed out due to the game already being in that mode... If you select OP +, the files will change out and OP + will grey out and UAW will be selectable... the game will now be in OP + mode... Just use Mod chooser to select the mode you want to play in.

** Note: **

Saved games under 1 game mode is not compatible with saved games from another mode... as such, you will either need to copy your saved games to an outside folder and empty the in game database.. OR revert you game to the mode in which the saved game uses.

12) There will be desktop shortcuts for Storyline and Conquest game modes which are installed for Orion Pirates Enhancement Pack.. these game modes are compatible with UAW Mod.. as above, If you are using the Conquest game mode and have a saved game, the saved game will only work in that Conquest Mode... if you change to Storyline Mode, then you will need to back up your saved games for later or delete them all together and start a new save set... the OP Enhancement Installer is default for Storyline game mode.

13) Re-enable your Anti-Virus. Please make sure that the OP Enhancement package and UAW installs have completed first.

I will post back later this evening or tomorrow with the URL's for the DL's...

Thanks for your patience.


"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Conquest Campaign for OP
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2004, 05:06:21 pm »
  What make the different to 2.1 I know it has the UAW by Chris Jones in it but what sets it apart if someone wanted to play UAW with 2.1 How could they. Pestalence  I know you said sometime ago to that you going to make E-Pack for EAW for those that only have that game only.There are quite a few SFC3ers who do but right know they need that patch officers aren't doing well  in GSA  but okey on Dyna with 534_b .The officers keep dieing to fast in GS.just letting you know.