Topic: Fighter Stuff Questions  (Read 1828 times)

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Fighter Stuff Questions
« on: December 16, 2004, 05:52:39 pm »
Hey I haven't asked anything in a day or two...

Has anyone tried (and I'm assuming someone has) increasing the number of fighters in a "ggroup"
from 4 -> 5 or 6?  Would a group of 5 (or 6) fighters be far more tougher or unbalancing than 4?

Megafighters- has anyone added these or "heavy fighters" or "bombers" (or are they all the same thing?)
(I've ordered the 2 fighter modules today, but just wondering)

Also SFB Ive discovered, keeps suggesting PF's are much better than fighters, is this the same in SFC?
Maybe it's just as I've been using Lyran PF's but I'm really looking forward to having fighters on SGO.
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2004, 06:04:23 pm »
Hey I haven't asked anything in a day or two...

Has anyone tried (and I'm assuming someone has) increasing the number of fighters in a "ggroup"
from 4 -> 5 or 6?  Would a group of 5 (or 6) fighters be far more tougher or unbalancing than 4?

Yes, it works.   You can put 6 fighters in a group.
Megafighters- has anyone added these or "heavy fighters" or "bombers" (or are they all the same thing?)
(I've ordered the 2 fighter modules today, but just wondering)

Heavy fighters and Megafighters are in the SGO4 Beta, not decided yet if they will make the server.

Also SFB Ive discovered, keeps suggesting PF's are much better than fighters, is this the same in SFC?
Maybe it's just as I've been using Lyran PF's but I'm really looking forward to having fighters on SGO.

Depends on the race and tactics used.  2 Casual PFs is 100 free internal hits, think of them as fodder and they become much more useful.
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2004, 07:29:52 pm »
OK (very) stupid question
How do you put 6 fighters in a squad?
I thought I'd just change the bay size in shipedit from 4->6, but the
graphic is still only showing 4 fighters.
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2004, 10:15:46 pm »
OK (very) stupid question
How do you put 6 fighters in a squad?
I thought I'd just change the bay size in shipedit from 4->6, but the
graphic is still only showing 4 fighters.

You're dong something wronge.   Look at the F-SCS or H-IC+ in "stock" OP+, they have more than 4 fighters per group.
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2004, 04:48:41 pm »
Yeah figured it out, I was changing stats on the Carriers in the Lyran list rather than the Klingon Doner stats.

So if we can have groups of 6, and this would give us the SFB correct numbers, and (many) of you guys are SFB fanatics.
Why aren't we using the proper # of fighters on carriers? (12 on BCV's 24 on CVA's etc?)
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2004, 04:57:01 pm »
Yeah figured it out, I was changing stats on the Carriers in the Lyran list rather than the Klingon Doner stats.

So if we can have groups of 6, and this would give us the SFB correct numbers, and (many) of you guys are SFB fanatics.
Why aren't we using the proper # of fighters on carriers? (12 on BCV's 24 on CVA's etc?)

Fighter groups do strange things, like drop mines, when you put 6 of them in a group.   Carriers also  get a little "over-balanced" compared to non-carriers with the full SFB compliment of fighters.

Nothing says you can't use the SFB compliment, noebody has done so on a major campaign yet.   I believe SFB OP has the SFB number of fighters on a carriers but I could be wrong.
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2004, 08:51:07 pm »
As far as I know, FS has kept the 2 SFC for 3 SFB fighter ratio consistent for all fighter-using races.

In the beginning, the ISC had close to SFB compliments, in many cases on the 8 and 9 fighter carriers we had a 1 SFC to 1 SFB fighter ratio to make up for the lack of a "fighter heavy weapon".  Firesoul, IIRC, added +20 damage to all ISC fighters, to increase their survivability against AMD when he put the ISC carriers on the same 3 -> 2 ratio everyone else has.

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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2004, 09:32:08 pm »
Yeah, not really looking to improve anyones fighters. just always been curious as to how well they worked.
Now that I <might> have an opportunity to use some on SGO I'm kinda interested.

Just been messing with numbers and such, actually hasn't had the effect I thought.
So far 4 flights of 6 Z-Yc's has wiped out 4 flights of 5 F-14b's everytime, only once having lost one entire group.
Seems to be a numbers game, I had honestly thought that the PhG on the F14b's would make a big difference.

-Although i must say, it has been amusing to watch the damage taken by both mys own ship (LCVA) and the Fed SCS with all the drones flying around.
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Re: Fighter Stuff Questions
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2004, 09:13:21 am »
Yeah figured it out, I was changing stats on the Carriers in the Lyran list rather than the Klingon Doner stats.

So if we can have groups of 6, and this would give us the SFB correct numbers, and (many) of you guys are SFB fanatics.
Why aren't we using the proper # of fighters on carriers? (12 on BCV's 24 on CVA's etc?)

Yup, 89 ships with 24 fighters in SFB-OP! ;D  I particularly like the Rom heavy carriers - just plain evil... :'(

P.S. the donor and receiver ships should be identical in all but the race column. Use only one race to donate fighters from and only one to donate PFs from and place them both at the top of the list (in their entirety) and make them unplayable on the campaign. (best strategy Ive found) Remember to add the donated the fighters to the donor race in the fighterlist in a similar fashion, but the fighterlist can remain in its normal order. Donated PFs go with the PF donor race at the top of the shiplist. (identical in all but the first 'Race' column as the ships) - using excel of course... though openoffice will work too...
« Last Edit: December 18, 2004, 09:38:13 am by Bonk »