So . . . . How to explain this.
Well first off I believe strongly in the sancity of marriage. I'm just a conservative guy that way. So there should be married or not married. None of this going steady BS!!
Well . . . surprisingly . . . most women I date seem to disagree with this concept. I guess they are just anti-marriage heathens <waives good old USA flag> tsk.
So . . . Good Old Shop Rex decides to throw a surprise birthday party for me last night. But how would SR get all of my friends there. How oh how???
Well . . . she grabbed my cell phone and copied all the names and numbers out of it.

Imagine my surprise when I walked into a room and 5 women that I had hoped would never EVER EVER EVER see each other were all standing there talking to each other.

I paniced and yelled . . . WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!!!
They all said Happy Birthday. And then . . . they all looked at the large knife whose initial purpose had been to cut the cake. Sadly, for me, I think the purpose of the knife changed at that moment. <whimper>
Boy were they ever grumpy.
DEAR LORD BIRTHDAYS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!