It was waiting for me when I got home from work.
The Minas Tirith sculpture is about the 6th or 7th coolest thing in the entire universe, as for the restored footage, MUST HAVE MORE!!!!
PJ is forgiven for all changes to the underlying story line save one:
Denethor is crazed out a little more, however, I feel the exclusion of the Palantir as source of the madness to be one change that could have been written in...though it is only a venial sin.
All Hail PJ and Co..they done good!
I watched it today and enjoyed it.
But I haven't entirely forgiven PJ...
Agree with the earlier point about Denethor and the Palantir.
The scene "Aragorn masters the Palantir" did not exactly show him mastering the Palantir.
The Voice of Saruman scene was well done and if you have to leave out scouring the shire, it concluded the Saruman story arc well. Of couse that's a big IF...
Anduril showing up two movies late to support PJ's "Aragorn as Hamlet" invention.
The Grey Company failing to show up.
Aragorn unsure if the Dead were following him as left the Path's of the Dead. And what was up with that avalanche of skulls?
The whole bit with Frodo sending Sam away. Totally unneccesary and bizarre invention.
I did not like the confrontation of Gandalf with the Lord of the Nazgul. Wrong place, wrong feel, wrong outcome. Gandalf is not "saved by the bell" in the book.
Mouth of Sauron saying Frodo was dead. In the book, the Mouth tells them Frodo is captured and attempts to bargain for his release. PJ's version is less powerful by a fair margin. As usual.
Mouth of Sauron decapitation. Unneccessary change. Gratuitous action film cliche.
The casual viewer will not understand by the Frodo's ending voice over that Sam will one day take ship to the West as he too was, however briefly, a ring bearer.
Frodo gets another "cliff hanger" scene in Mt. Doom. Wrong and a gratuitous action film cliche.
On the plus side:
Frodo and Sam in Orc gear. Nice.
Voice of Saruman. Nice, could have shown Theoden's struggle to resist better. (In the words of "Goodgulf Greyteeth" from Bored of the Rings - "That knave is slippery as a catfish in a jar of vaseline.")
The Pelennor Fields was visually awesome. The charge of the Rohirrim was stunning.
And in case you missed it amonst the grousing. I watched it and enjoyed it.
Oh yes, the minature of Minas Tirith was amazing.