Yep back again
-How many sides can you have on a server? I realize in throry (I think) you can have all 8,
but does this cause mission/server problems?
ie is it possible to have an eight sided war?
8 Sided, but you need to use a total war missions pack that doesn't require allies.
If you use donating races , must you keep them from being playable or does this just help smooth thing out?
Nope, the donor race can be playable, just R out those specific ships so the Donor races does not build them.
Would adding inherent ecm power to PF's (ala fighters) create huge or just nuisance balance issues?
Doesn't work, try it if you want.
What's the most stable mission pack ?
Um, EEK mission sdraft better but the ED Corepack seems to work with my whacky modding better.
Is there any way to diasble the SD feature using the shiplist?
Not sure what this means
How is it you make ships unboardable ?
Set Special role to NT