Phaser and his ISC boys have stated the intent to fly ISC on this mission.
He says there's close to 15 people that will swell the ISC ranks.

While this is really nice, we could sure use some other fleets (KHH is one I know that has been on D2s before) flying for both the Alliance and Coalition teams to help balance the server.
Even if you don't fly nutter hours, the assistance of all players for their respective races would make this quite the interesting battle. It's been a while since we had a big time, full server. I want to see those days come back, and with
your help, they can.
We strongly encourage all the remaining fleets to give D2 a try, and fly a race that's comfortable to them...

You've now flown against a couple of "D2" fleets (FPF, GDA). I'm sure they've shown the honor prevalent on a D2 server among numerous pilots.
Come on over, and join the party...