Its just frustrating, I am busting my hump trying to get everything squared away right now. My Jaw has been killing me for over a week now which means I havebeen getting very little sleep. I even started taking vicadin to sleep and I get maybe 4 hours before the pain is unbearable again. Its the cold weather, I know it. Otherwise, things have been good. Car is running fine right now though it does need a few minor repairs. Nothing too serious. My main goal right now is to get insurance and get it smogged and registered. That should happen this paycheck ( insurance ) if its high enough, It may have to wait until the next one, I dont know yet. I need to make out a budget for this month and next month to make sure I get this done and can afford it.
Well, I woke up a tad too early, only 7 hours before work hehe. I am going to try to lay down and get me a few more hours of sleep, I cant do this tonight with 3 hours of sleep, 7 hours before a 14 hour workday heh.