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Topic: Races and Tech crossing  (Read 11949 times)

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2004, 07:33:58 pm »
2Hot is a p00py head...
Payne is a p00py head...
Kroma is the queen of the p00py heads...

So that being settled...

I prefer a single race.  2 empires races per side is okay too, if the group desires it.  As for pirates ... blech ... I'd rather skip 'em.

PS - Kroma is still a p00py-head.  ;)

Offline Mutilator

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2004, 07:17:14 am »
Before any matches are flown what are we doing re the pirate affiliates?

I put forth that each race be allowed to use their pirate affiliation for ship selection.

FSD votes yes on pirate affiliation.
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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2004, 11:32:15 pm »
TSC votes no on race affiliation

main reasons being that 1-the cycle has started
                                  2-the shiplist as per support and combat and command is not updated to include the affiliated race
                                  3-the work involved in getting all this up before the cycle's first match is extensive
                                  4-lack of time for fleets to revue 2 full races of ships and coordinate ship combos before first match

I am sure there are other valid reasons but name those as most likely the biggest.  I would most likely support this idea for the next cycle, considering we would have proper amount of time to work on shiplists, ect.

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2004, 02:01:51 pm »

Well, if you want to experiment with "mercenaries", but be sure things don't get out of hand, you could do a double restriction.

1) Only one ship of a three ship fleet can be pirate
2) You may only have such a pirate mercenary for X matches in one cycle.  (Say, max of two matches in one cycle?)

You'd stay pretty close to rcacial purity this way, but you'd still have an extra tool to reach for in a matchup against a race that your race didn't face well.

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2004, 09:47:14 am »
What about using Pirates as a race, applying appropriate rules concerning threir use.

#Restriction of  1 Empire ship or 2 if they are of different hull sizes and 1 pirate ship.
#Implement Brothers of the Anarchist,ships to add to their roster.
#Allow some retooling of guns (optional hardpoint rule) and process behind doing. I would assume all hardpoints would have to be adjusted prior to the start of the cycle.

Some BPV adjustment may be in order (subterfuge rule +25%bpv?) they are ungainly ships to fly.

Offline GDA-Kel

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2004, 08:21:12 am »

Well, if you want to experiment with "mercenaries", but be sure things don't get out of hand, you could do a double restriction.

1) Only one ship of a three ship fleet can be pirate
2) You may only have such a pirate mercenary for X matches in one cycle.  (Say, max of two matches in one cycle?)

You'd stay pretty close to rcacial purity this way, but you'd still have an extra tool to reach for in a matchup against a race that your race didn't face well.


I like this idea for next season with the following restriction suggested by Mutilator. 

I put forth that each race be allowed to use their pirate affiliation for ship selection.

Not sure what this means...Who/What are the Brothers of Anacrhist?  Are you suggesting 'custom' pirate ships ala SFC3? 

What about using Pirates as a race, applying appropriate rules concerning threir use.

#Restriction of 1 Empire ship or 2 if they are of different hull sizes and 1 pirate ship.
#Implement Brothers of the Anarchist,ships to add to their roster.
#Allow some retooling of guns (optional hardpoint rule) and process behind doing. I would assume all hardpoints would have to be adjusted prior to the start of the cycle.

Some BPV adjustment may be in order (subterfuge rule +25%bpv?) they are ungainly ships to fly.
Gorn Dragon Alliance

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2004, 08:53:27 am »
Brothers of the Anarchist are from an old Captains log. The Anarchist is in our game its a Klingon hull with Hellbores of fusions, the Hydrans converted it during the general war. Its brother ships are captured vessels converted to other races. They are no match for empire ships but they would work nicely mixed in as a Captured vessel or a Pirate Ship!

I have the SSDS if you'd like to see them.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2004, 09:15:00 am »
Legend buddy - that would involve modding the shiplist to include them....

you know where that leads... :P

Offline Mutilator

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2004, 09:29:37 am »
Legend buddy - that would involve modding the shiplist to include them....

you know where that leads... :P

Where is that gendo'in gendohole anyway??  :rofl:
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Offline Slider

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2004, 10:27:40 am »
I know Jakle, just stating my source as I remember it. X-1 Ships came in the same magazines back then so im not advocating anything odd or bizarre. Im posting mearly for the fellowship of that game, I no longer play.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2004, 10:38:53 am »
Im posting mearly for the fellowship of that game, I no longer play.


What's the fun in that?  I post merely to play....

Offline Slider

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Re: Races and Tech crossing
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2004, 04:27:50 pm »

*Looks around, whips out Flame Gun, blasts Jakle*

*Runs quickly away*

