After 3 months of work, relentless reference research, gallons of coffee, trashing, and rebuilding parts of the model, I finally got her close to where i want her. Not perfect, not 100% accurate, but the best i can pull off within its poly count which stands at 4016. with another 60, or so polys i can mesh in the bussard restraining clamps.
I still have yet to weather the textures, but all the basics are done. Ive made the templates for the blank textures so you can do your own registrys, which i will provide the proper font for. Im gonna do textures for the original 12 "canon" starships to be included with the initial release of the model. While the initial release model will be in its "clean fresh outta spacedock" format, The "Weathered hull" texture set will be released shortly afterward. then after a while the "Renaissance Project" texture set will follow.
For those that dont know what the Renaissance Project is. It is a reworking of the TOS,TAS, and Franz Joseph designs to add Visuals, and the FX of the Movies, TNG, and ENT bringing these designs in proper liniage with the rest of the Trek series. Aztecs, Thrusters, self illumination, Warp Glows, Deflector glows, visable torpedo tubes, and phaser emmiters are a part of it. There will be slight design enhancements done with the unofficial semi-canon works of franz joseph, and SFB. While some purist are against the idea of altering TOS ships, i think its time to bring these designs up to the 23rd century standards. Of course there will still be classic ships made.
Enough babbling, heres some screens

This should make a nice desktop
Desktop Render Edit: 12/16/04
Shes all done, and uploaded. I didnt do registrys for all 12 ships. I did 6 of them. I dont have the time to do all 12.
Its a 9 meg file, It has the blank textures and Hull font along with templates and some nice long readmes.
This version only works in SFC 2, and Orion Pirates.
TOS Constitution v3 "Ludicrus" packRight click the link and save as. ftp is acting wierd.