Topic: TOS Constitution Version 3 Done! Uploaded  (Read 14433 times)

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Offline TheStressPuppy

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TOS Constitution Version 3 Done! Uploaded
« on: December 11, 2004, 08:16:28 am »
After 3 months of work, relentless reference research, gallons of coffee, trashing, and rebuilding parts of the model, I finally got her close to where i want her. Not perfect, not 100% accurate, but the best i can pull off within its poly count which stands at 4016. with another 60, or so polys i can mesh in the bussard restraining clamps.

I still have yet to weather the textures, but all the basics are done. Ive made the templates for the blank textures so you can do your own registrys, which i will provide the proper font for. Im gonna do textures for the original 12 "canon" starships to be included with the initial release of the model. While the initial release model will be in its "clean fresh outta spacedock" format, The "Weathered hull" texture set will be released shortly afterward. then after a while the "Renaissance Project" texture set will follow.

For those that dont know what the Renaissance Project is. It is a reworking of the TOS,TAS, and Franz Joseph designs to add Visuals, and the FX of the Movies, TNG, and ENT bringing these designs in proper liniage with the rest of the Trek series. Aztecs, Thrusters, self illumination, Warp Glows, Deflector glows, visable torpedo tubes, and phaser emmiters are a part of it. There will be slight design enhancements done with the unofficial semi-canon works of franz joseph, and SFB. While some purist are against the idea of altering TOS ships, i think its time to bring these designs up to the 23rd century standards. Of course there will still be classic ships made.

Enough babbling, heres some screens

This should make a nice desktop
Desktop Render

Edit: 12/16/04

Shes all done, and uploaded. I didnt do registrys for all 12 ships. I did 6 of them. I dont have the time to do all 12.
Its a 9 meg file, It has the blank textures and Hull font along with templates and some nice long readmes.
This version only works in SFC 2, and Orion Pirates.

TOS Constitution v3 "Ludicrus" pack
Right click the link and save as. ftp is acting wierd.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2004, 10:50:00 am by TheStressPuppy »

Offline markyd

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2004, 09:41:46 am »
Stunning  ;)

That is one mighty fine piece of work.... very very nice dude  ;)

Offline Khalee002

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2004, 10:40:26 am »
Yes its very nice and it dont need weatherd just releace it now.

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2004, 01:01:59 pm »
I think you should allow to do what TSP wants rather than object to it and express your impatience.  TSP is doing a wonderful job that had turned out from extreme patience, and I think we all should applaude him for what he's doing for the community.

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Offline S33K100

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2004, 01:13:35 pm »
As long as he puts the torpedoe launchers where they actually are on TOS (i.e. underside of the saucer, near wherever the 2 phaser hardpoints go - LS's connie has the best weapon placement I've seen at the moment). Looks great TSP, when you do the other versions (TAS, FJ and whatever else) are you going to do the AMT version, it is technically more canon than the FJ version as it was actually seen as a ship onscreen (the USS Constellation) while the FJ version only got shown as a schematic in the background in Space Seed IIRC.
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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2004, 01:33:35 pm »
Dragoon that going into Nexus?
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Offline TheStressPuppy

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2004, 07:49:40 pm »
Yup its going into the Nexus: Ages of War mod. That is the primary game im building this ship (and others) for. of course SFC/BC benefits cause the models can easily convert over with little change.

The "Renaissance Project" connie will have the main phasers and torpedo launcher at their canon locations. Iits non-canon hardpoint placement will be based on the TMP connie. It will have the standard SFB 6 phaser saucer layout. The left/right side phasers will be on the top saucer. 1 phaser bank (2 emmiters) will be on the dorsal area , and 1 aft bank above the shuttle bay

the initial release will be in its "Clean config" after i finish the 12 "official" registrys based on the FJ manual. There are contradictory sources for the ship reg's, and the only "Canon" reg we saw was the constellation. While we know the names of other ships we never saw the reg numbers. Im going by the FJ manual becuse its the only "semi-official" source flawed as it is.

Speaking of which here she is again as the "USS HOOD" The FJ manual list her as NCC-1707, while DITL, and Ex Scientia list her as 1703. The SFB cover art for the scenario "the mighty hood" list her as 1704. all 3 of the latter i dont consider reliable sources as my friends would say im a "reference nazi". I am going by FJ cause thats the closest to "official" as we can get. as i said earlier, we never saw, or heard of any canon sources for the original 12's reg numbers with the exception of the constellation. so your guess is as good as mine on what they really are.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2004, 11:49:19 pm by TheStressPuppy »

Offline Rhaz

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2004, 06:38:17 pm »
These are simply awesome

 :notworthy: :notworthy:

I think the Renaissance Project sounds neat.  Will you bo doing other designs (destroyers, light cruisers, etc) or just heavy cruiser varients?


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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2004, 08:30:31 pm »
can you attach the pics?  i can't access ur host site...

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Offline TheStressPuppy

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2004, 08:52:18 pm »
can you attach the pics?  i can't access ur host site...

You cant see the pics?!

Anyways my site is  I dont have any pics of her up there yet, because she isnt finished. im showing this exclusivly on the forums as a WIP. Im gonna set up my own site for the "Ren-Project" as soon as i get time and re-learn html.

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2004, 09:35:43 pm »
Actually, you might want to look at the episode "Court Martial" where kirk is in the spacedock room, there is a list of ships with reg numbers..i dont know if the Hood is listed, but it might...
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2004, 09:50:03 pm »
Speaking of which here she is again as the "USS HOOD" The FJ manual list her as NCC-1707, while DITL, and Ex Scientia list her as 1703. The SFB cover art for the scenario "the mighty hood" list her as 1704. all 3 of the latter i dont consider reliable sources as my friends would say im a "reference nazi". I am going by FJ cause thats the closest to "official" as we can get.

Are you certain?  Haven't you ever browsed Ex-Astris Scientia ever?  That's as close as canon as anyone can get with that website, considering all the articles on all kinds of stuff... Besides, 1707 might not be the official registry number, and you might still get that wrong anyway.  You can't get everything right... *shrug* Oh well.  Maybe that "Court Martial" episode featuring aforementioned chart of Constitution-class Starships might settle it once and for all.  I forgot where to look... *shrug*

Edit: Here it is:

(Taken from Ex-Astris Scientia)

As you can tell from the pic, it only shows the registry numbers, so that's not reliable for comparing names and registry numbers, aside from identifying
NCC 1701 with our beloved Enterprise. ;)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2004, 10:06:59 pm by Chris Johnson »

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2004, 10:43:38 pm »
Chris, sorry to break it, but that wall chart is not made up of Connies (except for the 1701 ofcourse.) Jein only ass-u-med they were for the sake of appeasing some unknown "logic" he was using to attach names and registries. Those ships are probably anything you want them to be.

As for the canon "12" Constitutions, I think this could (in theory) alow a few more Connies than most people think, as not only was the USS Constellation an earlier (and much different AMT model) Mark IX Heavy Cruiser (probably Mk. IX/01 if you want to go into technicalities,) but our bevloved captain might have been reffering to only active service vessels, and not any of the destroyed or otherwise missing ships.

Take note of the fact that the USS Defiant is reported to have the registry NCC-1764, as per the "original" (and unseen) TOS Connie listing, which may indicate that someone had converted a Bismarck hull to Heavy Cruiser duty midway in the consturction process. ;) For what ever reason, it's systems might be a bit different, as with other ships we don't know lots about. Also, if the USS Constellation was some kind of early model Connie, there must be a similar NX-1000 Constitution in the past too, because both ship types are considered "Constitution Class," after the lead ship.

These and other factors could potentially inflate the number of known Connies to almost 20 or more (which I actually prefer because 12 is simply rediculously small for a true starfleet.) Just consider this when you all go to make custom registries. Oh yeah, TSP, would you be kind enough to release the actual TOS font (the "true" model font, not Amarillo USAF as was used on Greg Jein's DS9 version and the 2000 restoration,) of both the First/Second and Series versions (the two pilots have different 1's,7's,E's,F's, and Z's than the series version.)

And as for weapons, I suggest you all look here.
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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2004, 10:49:52 pm »
as i have always said, Star Trek is like two things: american religion and a salad bar...take what you want and leave the rest.
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2004, 08:23:34 am »
as i have always said, Star Trek is like two things: american religion and a salad bar...take what you want and leave the rest.

That's very true. But I just felt like posting. ;D
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Offline TheStressPuppy

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2004, 09:11:49 am »
I have seen all of the list from Franz Joseph, Ex Astris Scientia,  DITL, Etc, Etc.  Im a Reference Nazi remember? All of these list are different with the exceptions of 1700 1701, and 1017. I wrote a nice little editorial about this in my readme.  I went with the Franz Joseph list for my series of 12. The reason i did was because his was the only souce endorced by gene at one point in time. end of story.

The ready room list only proves those registry numbers are canon. it would have helped if names were matched up with it.

We could debate over what registry goes with what ship till doomsday. The plain simple fact is we do not know what registry goes with what ship, because we never saw any associations other than the 3 previously mentioned. All of these list are conjecture. Its basicly up to you to decide which registry you like on what ship.

If you havnt read my previous post i did say i am providing Blank Textures, The Proper Hull Font, and Detailed Tutorials on how to use it.

The Torpedoes and Phasers will fire from the lower sensor dome area (the canon location).  I dont agree with that layout on the atra board for the rest of the weapons with the exception of the side phasers.  Here are my thoughts...  The standard 6 phasers on the saucer with the foward arc phasers firing from the canon spot. the 4 side firing banks (2 left 2 right) should be on the top saucer like how most of us done it.  A 360 bank firing from the dorsal area similar to where the TMP ships banks are located.  A rear arc  bank fring from the "dome area" of the shuttle bay similar to where the TMP ship has its shuttle area phasers.  These are just ideas of where to place the emmiters on the model itself. You can arm the ship with whatever weapons you like. Im just building the model.

Can someone refresh my memory of what SFC hardpoints are associated with what weapons? this will help me in placement of the HP's  Its been a long time since ive done anything for SFC. Is SFC 3 scaling the same as SFC1/2?
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 09:24:30 am by TheStressPuppy »

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2004, 11:16:24 am »

Can someone refresh my memory of what SFC hardpoints are associated with what weapons? this will help me in placement of the HP's  Its been a long time since ive done anything for SFC. Is SFC 3 scaling the same as SFC1/2?

From what I can tell from ShipEdit...

Heavy Weapons hardpoints 1 & 2 account for the FA photons
Heavy Weapons hardpoint  7 is the placement for drone/missiles
Heavy Weapons hardpoint 3 is for ADD placement
Weapon hardpoint 11 for the the saucer FH phasers
Weapon hardpoint 12 for the saucer FRRX phasers
Weapon hardpoint 13 for the saucer FLLX phaser
Weapon hardpoint 16 has been used for RA,RH or 360 phasers arc
Weapon hardpoint 17 usually for 360 degree phaser arc but a couple of RH designations observed

Heavy Weapon points 4 & 8 are available to the interface but I've found no Fed heavy cruiser layout that uses them after a quick look-see.

As for model scales... I think they kept changing that from the original SFC to EAW/OP and again in SFCIII. I think that each of them increased the size of the models. I bet Wicked Zombie can quote the scales if I cannot.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 04:01:59 pm by Rogue »

Offline TheStressPuppy

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2004, 01:49:32 pm »
Thank you Rogue,

Until i get a better idea of what scale this is for SFC 3, or if Darkdrone wants to import this for me.  ill just release an SFC 2/OP model.

I didn't do a break model for her yet. I know how to do them now, I just didn't have the time to do it.  ill release a break, and an SFC 3 version in an update.  I re textured the Version 2 break model to use as a placeholder.

For just 1 ship this is turning into a Major project lol.

Speaking of the version 2 model..... I don't know who's in charge of uploading models here, but they have mistakingly labled one of my version 2 models as "Version 3"  (the "canon" Connie). It is still the same old version 2 model with a different texture. It wont matter once this version is released, because this version 3 will make the version 2 model obsolete. I just thought i would make you aware.

Edit,  The model font i have only has a different "R" for the Pilot, and Series version of the ship.  The Amirillo USAF font is close, but not close enough. The true name of the font is "Modified Vertical Block" Those of you that were in the military should be very familiar with this, especilally those in aircraft maintanace.

If you can be kind enough to find  reference for these pilot series letters i can update the font accordingly.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 02:30:16 pm by TheStressPuppy »

Offline Rogue

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2004, 04:19:37 pm »
Only too happy to help, SP. This is a mighty impressive Constitution you are crafting which I hope says a lot about how good it is. It's a tall order to set a new standard on this model but you might have just done it. Congratulations.

Please overlook my bringing this up at this stage of development but I thought it relevent. The recommended computer specs to run SFC, Orion Pirates is a Pentium II 350 with acceleration and 64 Meg of RAM and DirectX 7. So if you were pondering bumping your Polly limit by a modest amount this could be the reason to do it. Nowdays even the most modest of laptops far exceeds that. Only you would know if there were parts of the mesh that you would have liked to have spent a few more pollies on. 4016 pollies is a great achievement but you could go hog wild with a 10% bump on the limit. Of course, this is entirely at your pleasure. I, for one, am perfectly content to wait for you to be happy it. But above all other things... make sure you are having fun with making it. No fun equals no point.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 04:29:41 pm by Rogue »

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Re: TOS Constitution Version 3 nears completion
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2004, 06:25:52 pm »
Thank you Rogue,

Until i get a better idea of what scale this is for SFC 3, or if Darkdrone wants to import this for me.  ill just release an SFC 2/OP model.

I didn't do a break model for her yet. I know how to do them now, I just didn't have the time to do it.  ill release a break, and an SFC 3 version in an update.  I re textured the Version 2 break model to use as a placeholder.

For just 1 ship this is turning into a Major project lol.

Speaking of the version 2 model..... I don't know who's in charge of uploading models here, but they have mistakingly labled one of my version 2 models as "Version 3"  (the "canon" Connie). It is still the same old version 2 model with a different texture. It wont matter once this version is released, because this version 3 will make the version 2 model obsolete. I just thought i would make you aware.

Edit,  The model font i have only has a different "R" for the Pilot, and Series version of the ship.  The Amirillo USAF font is close, but not close enough. The true name of the font is "Modified Vertical Block" Those of you that were in the military should be very familiar with this, especilally those in aircraft maintanace.

If you can be kind enough to find  reference for these pilot series letters i can update the font accordingly.

This forum has great references for the TOS Enterprise Variants.
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