Thanks everyone for the warm (sometimes smoking) well wishes

The level of debachery was high this year. Working 9pm to 6 am is weird for birthdays.......
I get up, go into work. At 12am, the guys at work start their harrassing and attempted spankings....C-Los gives me a dirty card and some lotto tickets.
Get home from work, clean up, and have some friends over for some celebrating. Go to bed, but get only 3 hours of sleep instead of normal 6-7. Wake up, and it's still my birhtday, and now my roomate is home from work with a big one rolled up so I go at it until it's time to leave for work. Now work is done, and I'm home. I made it !!! and now I'm taking a nap..... ( or kip if Mog's reading

Thanks again.