Hello all,
I've made a "small"* MOD for SFC3, and I want to release it for testing and opinions. This MOD will replace 18 stock ships(9 federation, 6 klingon, 1 Romulan, 1 borg, 1 ferengi) and add the Valdore from ST:Nemesis. You can download it from
http://yochenhsieh.myweb.hinet.net/SFC3-Assets.exe. It's a 7z self-extrator, just extract it to the Assets folder. Please let me know if you found any bugs or have any suggestions. :-)
The credit list:
Sabre by Cleeve
Norway by Pneumonic81
Defiant by Pneumonic81
Intrepid by Pneumonic81
Akira by Pneumonic81
Excelsior-refit kitbashed by Knox1711
(Original mesh by Pneumonic81&Moonraker)
Nebula by Pneumonic81
Galaxy by Pneumonic81
Sovereign by Pneumonic81
B'rel by Pneumonic81
K'vort by Pneumonic81
K'tinga by Moonraker
K'vek by Cleeve
Vor'cha by Cleeve
Negh'var by 9 of Nine
Cube by Darkdrone/ Testure by TheForce
Warbird by Neon/ Texture by TheForce
Valdore by Howedar/ Texture by Redragon
Marauder by TotallyGames
All Damage Textures(*D.bmp/jpg) are made by me.
*Note: the file size of this mod is about 45.3MB.
Note2: uh, I forgot to include shipnames.txt which fix the ??? issue. Please don't mention it. :-p
Thank you for clicking in and reading this post. :-)