Cool, could you send me the files (include the Korloev modification too if you can) I like to see how other people do modifications like this, most of my texture alteration work is fairly basic and it's nice to get some additional skills now and then.
I never noticed the Phase II had not outline on the regs, I don't like to use that font though as it's too similar to Microgramma which is the DS9/Voyager era font for a lot of ships.
I've already actually started modifying the textures on this one, done regs for a USS Sicilia and plan to add some weathering to the rather pristine looking secondary hull and nacelles, and possibly even swap the bridge out for the phase II style one on WZ's Ptolemy, maybe.
I actually pretend that Voyager, the Defiant, and the (hideous!) E-E have the normal Starfleet Bold Ext for the name, because I'm that kind of person. F*ck canon ship "asthetics" (or lack thereof), especially with First Contact. That pretty much threw the notion of "sane" vessel designs out the window. Eaves cannot design his way through a paper bag, as the FC Cube, E-E, and his designs for the next two films prove. (He apparently does a
bit better with Vulcan ships as ENT proves [though I doubt that they are his and not Doug Drexlers, who designed the Surak from Season 1 anyway], but the other races stil bear his trademark "suckitude" motif.) For what it's worth, the art department has really lost in general after Generations. They don't give a sh*t about anykind of style anymore except "üb3R-f0cK1n6 k3w1," no matter how bad it looks. The bastards deserve to be flogged to death.
I miss Andy Probert and Rick Sternbach.

Atleast Voyager
itself wasn't a bad design.

I'll try and email all the files to you by tomorrow or tuesday.
You can see it is very different from the study model everyone regards as the Phase II Enterprise - that famous pic of the yellow model with the deflector and torpedo launchers missing
Yep, that's the one... and it's the only one pictured in my book on the Phase 2 series... which is why I'm wondering what the heck the deal is... one would think that, if the Reese-Stevenses are hooked up enough to become "Enterprise" story editors, why wouldn't they have been able to find these pics? 
(apologies to LS for participating in this thread hijack, BTW
Well, consdiering that the Montior is pretty much a Phase II ship anyway I don't think we've gotten
that far off course.

judging by the info on that page it seems these only came into the public domain recently, maybe they were lying forgotten in some basement with the unsold copies of Bill Shatner's album.