Mariner, where'd you get that TMP era emblem from? could you send me the files perchance?
Oh and what's with the font? Do you not have the Starfleet bold extended font? I can send it to you if you don't have it.
Belive it or not, that arrowhead is actually a Microsoft Word creation, layered into a word document containing the full sized texture. Just click a screengrab and then deposit the changes in the right place in the real texture and bingo, a Starfleet Arrowhead without PSP.

I can send you the zip file containing the word document (the zip is <40kb and the document itself is only 84kb) which i use to do all my editing. If you want, I'll send the korolev modification files too.
I have the normal TMP-style font (Starfleet Bold Extended it says,) but the Jeffries font used here is supposed to mimic the microgramma font on the unused (but finished) Phase II model.
See photos of that model here: to say, I do think the Microgramma font is kind of bad looking, it's too "round" for me. Jeffries Extended looks nicer since it's based off of Starfleet Bold Ext. The only problem is that it's a bit thin, which is cured since word can add outlines to the font to make it beefier.
I'm interested in making the hull color TMP white, so that it'll reflect what the Korolev might've looked like during TUC (they refitted everything else anyways.)