I just got back from a family reunion and now everyone wants me to send them the pictures from my camera. That is not the problem as it is a digital camera and I have already copied them to the HDD and fixed some of the errors I made shooting them (retexturing starships finally paid off!). all in all it is about 500 megs of pictures I have, and e-mailing them all will take forever and a day.
So I decided to see if this is possible and how hard will it be to do
1 get a site hosted for the pictures
2 upload them and a thumbnail for each sothey can decide is they want that pic or not
now the hard part how do I go about this and how hard is it to do?
I have no web skills but do not mind having to pay for the site for a few months to make it work.
anyone know how to help me oput here or of a host that might offer these services?