Erm, no. ST already diverged from the real world back in the 60s when the US (in the ST world) already had a nuclear launch platform in space. It's fairly obvious ST is gonna have to take place in an alternate universe to the real one because if we take your idea then in 2074 when your date for the wars comes around all the ST fans will have to come up with a new excuse why it 'hasn't happened yet'.
The Eugenic's Wars happened before WWIII and so have to have happened before warp tech had been invented, ergo it had to have been sublight.
Oh, whoops, I forgot something while I was typing. I was supposed to be talking about the date of the Botany Bay's LAUCNHING, not the Eugenics Wars. *smacks head*
But, it's pointless to argue, as you apparently can't tell that having the Eugenics Wars in 1996 contradicts almost everything and every episode that comes after it. It was 1966 when they wrote that episode, still very far into the future. Even with the oribtal nuclear platform in their universe, that's no excuse to have a major world war going on before 1996 when Voyager went back in time, as there clearly was no reference or indication to it at all. It's only obvious if you look at TOS only, which has been contradicted many times later on (mostly a good thing, sometimes bad.) Aside from the blashphmeous dating references of "The Augments" (which could be intrepreted as something else, mind you,) the fact remains that up to the year 2004-5 and probably a bit later, our universes are supposed to be very similar. Although Coto did say early on that he would avoid going into the problem, he broke his word for "continuity's sake" and made it worse. Just a few lines and we wouldn't be arguing about this right now...
While your right about the 92' date then not making sense as the beginning of the war (only 2070, which is really wrong,) even making the date 1982 puts it as 2060, which is a bit better. Obviously this is stretching things a bit, but it's better than sticking the wars in the 2050's when there's no way they could've referenced that.
Ofcourse, there's absolutley no way of convincing you of any other possible explanation, so I'm going to do my homework and quit wasting my energy. I've considered ST tkaing place in an alternate universe too, but it simply can't be like that. Ofcourse, this is my theory, but I wrote that becuase that's what I thought dammit. There's probably no way were going to agree unless something is changed later in ENT (which it wont, trust me.) Are you a member of TrekBBS by any chance?

As for the ACTUAL reason I posted, the nose looks like it needs to be a bit more pointy Sandman. But still looking good for a start.