In the fictional Star Trek universe, the United Federation of Planets is a federation of more than 150 member planets and thousands of colonies, based in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants of the Milky Way galaxy. It was founded in 2161 by the Andorians, Humans/Terrans, Tellarites, and the Vulcans.
Loosely based on the United Nations, the Federation stresses the values of peace and cooperation. One of their most important precepts is the Prime Directive. It is led by the Federation President, headquartered in Paris, Earth. Starfleet is the primary defense force and exploration arm of the Federation.
The Federation is opposed at various times by the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Tholian Assembly, the Cardassian Union, the Borg Collective, the Dominion, and the Sphere Builders.
Federation members
This list includes member names from backstage sources that were not mentioned in dialogue. It does NOT include members from the animated series, comics, fanon, or novels. For an official tally this is based on, see STAR TREK: THE MAGAZINE v2 #6 (October 2001). For fan-created lists, see External Links below.
Aaamazzarites, Andorians (founders), Androsans, Antedeans, Anticans, Antosians, Arbazan, Arcadians, Arcturians, Ardanans, Argellians, Ariolo, Arkenites, Atreans, Bandi, Benzites, Berellians, Berengarians, Betazoids, Betelgeusians, Bolians, Bynars, Bzzit Khaht, Caitians, Centaurans, Coridanites, Cygnetians, Deltans, Efrosians, El Gatarkans, Elaysians, Grazerites, Halii, Humans/Terrans (founders), K'normians, Kalandrans, Kasheeta, Kazarites, Klaestronians, Medusans, Megarites, Napeans, Peliar Zellians, Ramatians, Rhaandarites, Rigellians, Saurians, Selay, Shamin Priests, Tellarites (founders), Tessens, Tiburites, Trills, Ullians, Vulcans (founders), Xelatians, Zakdorn, Zaldans, Zaranites.
Here is another source of information, with some details on the races here is another site here is yet another, but this one features pictures of most of the races that helps.