Topic: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.  (Read 2015 times)

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Offline FireSoul

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Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« on: December 05, 2004, 07:10:07 pm »
As part of some work I wanted to do for the next OP+, I have redone some of the Federation TMP models to match the rest of the models I have included in the models pack of mine. I have held onto these for a few of weeks now, playing with them during GeneralWar4 and recently redoing the FCFS model.
Here they are:

Federation Frigate, FFF,  NCC-329 USS Villeneuve:
This little ship was redone, based on the popular Burke-class frigate.

Oh, a little story before we go on: why USS Villeneuve? .. well.
.. I have a real-life friend. His surname is Villeneuve. We'll call him LV for short. LV's an SFB player who only makes rare online appearances online (from my home usually) as "FlameHawk". He's a longtime Romulan pilot and fan and is always saying things like "Fed sucks!" or "Fed ships are all ugly!". I just could NOT resist putting his name on a lowly Federation frigate when I saw it as listed in the official ADB's list of SFB names for ships, a FFG in this case.
Ironic, is it not?  ;D


Federation Battle Frigate, FFFB,  NCC-471 USS Marko Ramius:

Based on a FF, this ship was a contender for the War Destroyer (DW) class ships. It is still encountered on the battlefield but is not as versatile as the DW for variants.

Federation Destroyer, FDD,  NCC-505 USS Xerxes:

What? Another Fed DD? Why?
It didn't match the rest of the fleet. MAKING it match made my installer smaller because of common components to the rest of the Fed fleet I use. But uhh.. you really wanna know why I like it best? It's got a bloody shuttlebay, that's why. Yes! Look closely. I'd like to thank LordSchtupp for that little piece of work I adapted to the TMP FDD model you see here. ;)

Federation Fire Support Cruiser, NCC-1803 USS Altair:

Old model:

I first want to thank Atra-Hasis for his first FireSupport Cruiser that he made, way back when. I saw *NO* reason to change the design, but just to bring it up to date. Here it is:

Enjoy, folks.
-- Luc
« Last Edit: December 07, 2004, 12:31:20 pm by FireSoul »

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Offline S33K100

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2004, 08:27:58 pm »
Cool, my incredibly common first name at least on a Fed ship, at least it's not Marco Polo ::) I like the new Burke, is that still Atra's NCL shuttlebay at the back? Looks a lot different. The only thing I dislike about the frigates is the use of the whole Enterprise bridge module, it really looks awkward on such a small ship, have you considered a version with just the bridge itself and sans the B/C decks?
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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2004, 08:29:53 pm »
   Bretty nice FireSoul .I thouht it might have something to do with the race car driver Jaquaes but not.The Frigate looks like a little Miranda.I would like to know how do you that put say 2 or 3 models into one folder and they show up in the game.For eg, F-CA it has the TOS version and the TMP version in it.How do you do this as I wouldn't mind learning how.Thanks and nice  looking models btw.

Offline Chrystoff

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2004, 10:05:44 pm »
I like them all, Firesoul, especially the frigates! Excellent work!  :dance:

Offline FireSoul

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2004, 10:17:28 pm »
   Bretty nice FireSoul .I thouht it might have something to do with the race car driver Jaquaes but not.The Frigate looks like a little Miranda.I would like to know how do you that put say 2 or 3 models into one folder and they show up in the game.For eg, F-CA it has the TOS version and the TMP version in it.How do you do this as I wouldn't mind learning how.Thanks and nice  looking models btw.

The Fed TOS and TMP are 2 separate models and are refered to from the shiplist, separately. They are in separate folders.

Author: OP+ Mod
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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2004, 11:31:29 pm »
  I don't see them in model folders in assett/specs/models.Where would they be and do you use 2 F-CA folders.I would mind knowing how do this.Thanks.

Offline FireSoul

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2004, 12:41:48 am »
I designed my shiplist to leave the Assets/models/ folders alone. I created a opplus/models/ folder instead. Look in the shiplist.txt for the "Geometry" column of the model you want to tweak, and you'll see that OP+ models are like that.

Author: OP+ Mod
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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2004, 01:58:36 am »
Thanks FireSoul I may slip these in models in when I install Enhancement Pack 2.1.I would just extract them to opplus/models/folders is that how and they will replace the current ones.Thanks

  I am just learning some modeling techniques.btw When is 3.5 coming out?

Offline FireSoul

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2004, 09:58:09 am »
you know, nothing stops you from just updating individual packages yourself. The Enhancement pack is great for starting you up, but once that's done individual installs is probably easier.

Author: OP+ Mod
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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2004, 12:25:36 pm »
  Yeah you are right.How easy is it to make up those installer from Nullsoft that you use for the OP+ ?What do you do to have to but the content in.Thanks.

Offline FireSoul

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2004, 01:12:20 pm »

  Yeah you are right.How easy is it to make up those installer from Nullsoft that you use for the OP+ ?What do you do to have to but the content in.Thanks.

NSIS uses a scripting language, and thus needs some getting used to. ( I would suggest that Pestalence looks at it for his installer). It is however very powerful and versatile.

Author: OP+ Mod
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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2004, 03:40:02 pm »
I like the christened name for the FFB- nice nod to Hunt for Red October there.
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Offline FireSoul

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Re: Models redone, TMP Feds currently in use.
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2004, 12:38:34 pm »
I like the christened name for the FFB- nice nod to Hunt for Red October there.

Wasn't my idea, except for the part that I chose it (when I recognized it of course).
It seems the names listed on ADB's site are all legendary Submarine captains, throughout the years. Ramius, of course, is a fictional character.. but who would pass up a chance to say "hey, I really like that movie" and use official ADB data? :)

Author: OP+ Mod
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Author: Fests+ for OP
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Kitbash: SFC2 models