After all this time, I suppose that I should have an entry.
![Cool 8)](
Empire: Inter-Stellar Concordium (ISC)
Race: Meskeen
Place of Birth: Unknown
Rank: Captain, GFL SFC2/OP Combined Fleet division
Known command ship: Heavy Battle-cruiser CSS Khazad-dum (I-CCZ class)
Notables: Head of Mission Design and Development division. Dyna SQL Server consultant.
Patents: AI Stripping, Randomized in-mission Map Terrain, SFC-OP tactical warp, GaW Tholian web snare prototypes, Recurring in-mission Ship Reinforcements, in-mission Primary Enemy class matching AI, in-mission Enemy AI add-ons for drafter's restricted class ship (ie. BCH, DN, BB), Bonus PP for PvP kills and Taco Bells, superior mission quality control, nasty EEK AI, etc., etc., etc.
Has been known to make dyna Admins. rue the day they said maybe the EEK missions were a little too "easy" that release go-around. *snicker*
BIO: Born of lower Meskeen aristocracy, Lord el-Karnak, first became noticed in the ISC Military academy when he "dropped" a banana peel outside an unpopular pompous instructor's office that sent the beleagured faculty member into a 90 degrees landing. Foolishly bragging about the escapade promptly "volunteered" the loud-mouthed frog to do extra essays on the state of contemporary space battle-field simulation programs and their need for future improvements. If the faculty had thought this was punishment, they were sadly mistaken.
![Tongue :P](
Upon graduation, Karnak was able to pull some strings to gain posting to the elite squadrons of the fleet so that a I-CCZ command was never far away. Often the technophiled frog relied on his techie skills to overcome any difficulties his occassional caustic outbursts may have caused. As a ship commander, Karnak quickly gained a reputation of not "suffering fools gladly". Many an officer that made the same mistake more than twice on his ship, found themselves quietly assigned to convoy duty by ISC High Command.
As dynaverse time wore on, Karnak found himself embroiled in the tricky world of inter-stellar politics and diplomacy. Following the old Earth diplomatic policy that states: "in Washington, if you want a friend, get a dog", Karnak succeeded in riling up practically the whole alpha quadrant. When asked by ISC High Command if this was a good idea, Karnak wise-cracked back, "What do we care? We are ISC...that means we BBQ 'em first and pacify 'em later. Not the other way around."
![Cheesy :D](
Apparently, this foreign policy worked because for eons, after the great SS2 war, nary a galactic power would challenge the might of the ISC navy in serious dynaverse combat leading to an adoption of the "Fleet in Being" policy by the ISC to maintain order in their part of the Beta Quadrant. It was a quiet time for the ISC officer corps, where many were dispersed into other pursuits while they "sat on the mud-swamp beach". A precious few ISC officers enlisted in the service of other Quadrant power's navies during the General War that the wise peace policy of the ISC guaranteed an unfettered time of chaos and anarchy in areas outside of their control. After a very successful run as a Dominion fleet ARM and mission scripter in the SFC3 DomWars/IslandWars universe, Karnak non-chalantly took up service in the Mirak, Hydran and Federation fleets, where he decided unequivocally that drones drive him crazy. Nevertheless, in the process, the Meskeen captain made some good contacts in the Klingon, Mirak, Hydran and Federation fleets that form part of his tight circle.
Currently, Karnak has retired from active ISC military service and has closed down the offices of the EEK Missions Technical branch for both SFCOP and SFC3 games in spite of the ceiling high SFCOP/SFC3 mission purchase orders assaulting the overwhelmed mail-room staff. He is on indefinite detached duty in the SWG universe.
Flying Style: Known to favor the standard mid- to long-range combat philosophy of the ISC and will wear the opponent down in a game of patience no matter how long it takes. But, if the opportunity is offered for an unexpected crushing short-range blow, this sneaky frog will take it. When flying ISC, does not consider droners dangerous. Loves to crush egg-shell K-F5 fire-crackers in his EEK missions with one alpha-strike. Only other race Karnak considers himself knowledgeable in is Klingon due to his once secret ISC Intelligence extensive tour of duty as a Klingon captain in the Klingon Deep Space fleet as Capt. vestai-RukhGaz, House of estai-Khemerra.
Foreign Cultures: Knowledgeable in both Federation and Klingon culture and language.