Topic: Strange time offline - SP SFC3  (Read 1531 times)

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Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« on: March 08, 2003, 09:32:00 am »
Well my cable went on Saturday mid day and I couldnt get it back till yesterday. To easy my boredom I played the SP version of Dyna3, this produced some strange things.

Have you ever tried playing this game for 6 hours straight offline? Do you have any idea how good your officors can get in that space of time? Have any idea what its like having instant warp jumps and near instant HET's? Thats right you heard me, staying in a Defiant for most of the game, I devised a Post Patch UbberDefiant, capable of taking out a convoy in around 1:40 and Shrike in around 40 seconds!

My crew got so good at there job, as I said instant warp jumps! This was unbeleivable, and have never seen anything like this online. Furthermore, despite the lack of multivolies, it became apparant that the torpedoes where doing far more damage than they were supposed to, taking out entire hulls in only a single volly.

Anyway, after a while the game crashed I went back and the crew were no longer super humans as it where. But what I want to know is this,

How do officors advance?
Has this ever happened to you?
What skills affect what?
Am I insane?

Peace out



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Re: Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2003, 02:52:17 pm »

 How do officers advance?

Officer advancement is regulated by difficulty settings as far as i know, but it might be possible that admins can change this rate as well.


 Has this ever happened to you?

Destroying hulls in one volley? Yeah, too often for some people Warp delay times and HET times get shorter with higher level helm officer. The Weapon Technology is responsible for high power warheads, as well as Warp Technology which increases energy output.


 What skills affect what?

See above, i'm pretty sure i'm correct.


 Am I insane?

Just as insane as everyone here



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Re: Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2003, 04:07:16 pm »
Officers advance when you complete the meta missions, like Scan & Distress Call, they do when you win the normal battles as well, but usually not as often.

And the server admin CAN disable officer growth if they want to.


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Re: Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2003, 05:21:36 pm »
Cheers thanks for the info guys!


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Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2003, 09:32:00 am »
Well my cable went on Saturday mid day and I couldnt get it back till yesterday. To easy my boredom I played the SP version of Dyna3, this produced some strange things.

Have you ever tried playing this game for 6 hours straight offline? Do you have any idea how good your officors can get in that space of time? Have any idea what its like having instant warp jumps and near instant HET's? Thats right you heard me, staying in a Defiant for most of the game, I devised a Post Patch UbberDefiant, capable of taking out a convoy in around 1:40 and Shrike in around 40 seconds!

My crew got so good at there job, as I said instant warp jumps! This was unbeleivable, and have never seen anything like this online. Furthermore, despite the lack of multivolies, it became apparant that the torpedoes where doing far more damage than they were supposed to, taking out entire hulls in only a single volly.

Anyway, after a while the game crashed I went back and the crew were no longer super humans as it where. But what I want to know is this,

How do officors advance?
Has this ever happened to you?
What skills affect what?
Am I insane?

Peace out



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Re: Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2003, 02:52:17 pm »

 How do officers advance?

Officer advancement is regulated by difficulty settings as far as i know, but it might be possible that admins can change this rate as well.


 Has this ever happened to you?

Destroying hulls in one volley? Yeah, too often for some people Warp delay times and HET times get shorter with higher level helm officer. The Weapon Technology is responsible for high power warheads, as well as Warp Technology which increases energy output.


 What skills affect what?

See above, i'm pretty sure i'm correct.


 Am I insane?

Just as insane as everyone here



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Re: Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2003, 04:07:16 pm »
Officers advance when you complete the meta missions, like Scan & Distress Call, they do when you win the normal battles as well, but usually not as often.

And the server admin CAN disable officer growth if they want to.


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Re: Strange time offline - SP SFC3
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2003, 05:21:36 pm »
Cheers thanks for the info guys!