Topic: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)  (Read 1901 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« on: December 03, 2004, 10:47:09 pm »
Hey all
So having an evening where I actually had nothing much to do I decided to get cracking on some maps.

1)Anyone know if there's a difference in Artifex with the different # of asteroid hexes and/or Nebulas?
(Asteroid 1-5, Nebula 1-6)-> Are they all just visual differences or are some heavy asteroids, some light, some neds with asteroids etc?

2) what is impedence? Anything I have to worry about?

3) My current infatuation is with Ion Storms, ran into one on Bonks SQL server, thought it would be cool.
There isn't an option for them using Artifex though (unless they are a type of Nebula) Is there any way to put them in?
or is this a mission script thing?

4) Is there any way to put 2 kinds of terrain (say Neb + Asteroids or something) into one hex?
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2004, 11:31:57 pm »
Don't know much about this Hexx, although

I think differnet kinds of terrain hexes can be used to trigger specific missions, so that Asteroid 1 might be assigned a different chance of specific missions occuring than Asteroid 2.

I know Evil Dave was tinkering around with some ideas regarding asteroids, one thought that I gave to him was asteroids that could be targeted and destroyed, and explosion strengths increased to make for some new interesting tactics.  Well actually just another method to use in killing ones wingman to be truthful, just don't tell Maverick...... ;D

We were toying around with the idea also in regards to destroyable mine fields which could be bought in the shipyards and placed via a special mission.  Such minefields would trigger a special PITA mission to slow down enemies advances.  Unfortunately Dave disappeared again, but perhaps Tracey or Karnak would take a shot at this if there was a specific interest.

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 12:02:12 am »
Firstly, the hex terrains on the D2 map and what actually appears in a mission are completely independant. The mission script is solely responsible for what actually appears in a mission.

A client code passes a set map terrain paramaters to the mission script. There are three paramaters, terrain type, planet type and base type, as follows.




From this, then, we can see that there is 26 x 11 x 6 = 1,716 possible different map combinations. These paramaters are passed to the mission script, and a function can be written by the coder to then select a particular map based on these paramaters within the script. What that map contains, however, can be absolutely anything, although traditionally, if say a 'nebula' parameter is passed to the script, the coder will write the function such that a map with a nebula is selected, but this is purely arbitrary.

A map in a mission script appears as follows. This is taken from Met_17Patrol, and shows the map that appears when an asteroid parameter is sent to the script.

"// Met_17Patrol Map -- Asteroids",
   " +____1____2____3____4____5____6+",
   " |..............................|",
   " |...A..........................|",
   " |.............a............a...|",
   " |.................A............|",
   " |.................h.i..........|",
   " |.......*.........g.......*....|",
   " |..............................|",
   " |...................a........A.|",
   " |............X.....W...........|",
   " |...........................a..|",
   " |...............Y..............|",
   " |..............................|",
   " |...*................Z.........|",
   " |............a.................|",
   " |..............................|",
   " |..A.............a.............|",
   " |...a.........G......A.........|",
   " |..............................|",
   " |......*...H.....I...a.........|",
   " |...........................A..|",
   " |..A.......x w.................|",
   " |...........y................a.|",
   " |.....A........................|",
   " |........................*.....|",
   " +------------------------------+",
   "      1    2    3    4    5    6",

The legend for creating maps is as follows...

         Starting Positions   Ending Positions   Planets         
         Start1 --> G   End1 --> g      EarthOrgania) --> 1         
                                                Start2 --> H   End2 --> h      Ringed Earth --> 2
         Start3 --> I      End3 --> i      Mars --> 3
         Start4 --> J   End4 --> j      Jupiter --> 4
         Start5 --> K   End5 --> k      Dark Earth --> 5
         Start6 --> L   End6 --> l      Saturn --> 6
         Start7 --> M   End7 --> m      Night City --> 7
         Start8 --> N   End8 --> n      Fire --> 8
         Start9 --> O   End9 --> o      Ice --> 9
         Start10 --> P   End10 --> p   Gas --> 0
         Start11 --> Q   End11 --> q               
         Start12 --> R   End12 --> r               
         Start13 --> S   End13 --> s               
         Start14 --> T   End14 --> t               
         Start15 --> U   End15 --> u               
         Start16 --> V   End16 --> v               
         Start17 --> W   End17 --> w               
         Start18 --> X   End18 --> x               
         Start19 --> Y   End19 --> y               
         Start20 --> Z   End20 --> z               

         Celestial Bodies   Asteroids         Black Holes                     
                                                Moon --> @                SmallAsteroid --> [      SmallBlackHole --> :         
                                                Sun1 --> (      LargeAsteroid --> ]      LargeBlackHole --> ,         
                                                Sun2 --> )      IceAsteroid --> *                              
                                                Sun3 --> !
         Nebulas         Dust Clouds        Other
         Nebula1 --> &      LightDustCloud --> <        WormHole --> %
         Nebula2 --> ?      HeavyDustCloud --> >        Fissure --> $
                             Corpse --> #
                             Organian --> ^
                             Pulsar --> ~
                                                                                                                                     IonStorm --> {

Now, although you cannot place both an asteroid hex and a nebula hex together on the D2 map, from within a mission script, you can place both of these items on the mission map.

If, say for instance, we wanted kTerrainAsteroids6 to also have a nebula, then we need a mission script that will call a map that contains both asteroids and a nebula when the terraintype passed to the script from the client is kTerrainAsteroids6. It will still look like kTerrainAsteroids6 on the D2 map. ie. one of the asteroid variant hex graphics, but in mission, it will have a nebula and asteroids ONLY for that mission that is coded that way. For consistency, if you always wanted that hex to have asteroids and a nebula, then all the missions used would need to be coded that way.

Hope this helps.  :)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2004, 04:47:06 am by FPF-TraceyG »
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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2004, 04:58:22 am »
Tracey try posting that again this time wearing a thong and a cowboy hat and maybe we can understad that technical jargon a bit better.   I know it sounds odd but trust me it stimulates the brain....... ;D

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 05:26:52 am »
Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2004, 06:05:34 am »
Mmmmmmm thong & cowboy hats....

Err I mean Thanks! for the info Tracy, and of course I understood everything you wrote, but Chuut seems a
little confused.
Any chance you can dumb it down a bit for him?
Like all that stuff you took the time to type out is actually how to do a map in scrpits right? Not something
I can do on the map itself. (?)

The thong & hat are entirely up to you btw, but if  might make Chuut pay a little more attention...
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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2004, 06:44:26 am »
Ok, well, in plane non-vulcan english....

Hey all
So having an evening where I actually had nothing much to do I decided to get cracking on some maps.

1)Anyone know if there's a difference in Artifex with the different # of asteroid hexes and/or Nebulas?
(Asteroid 1-5, Nebula 1-6)-> Are they all just visual differences or are some heavy asteroids, some light, some neds with asteroids etc?

Yes, but only if the mission script is coded that way

2) what is impedence? Anything I have to worry about?

Impedance is a muliplier for how long it takes to travel one hex. This is only relevant where the turn break is set to coincide with each move (only ever used in single player). For D2 maps, the number is irrelevant but for consistency, set them all to 1.0

3) My current infatuation is with Ion Storms, ran into one on Bonks SQL server, thought it would be cool.
There isn't an option for them using Artifex though (unless they are a type of Nebula) Is there any way to put them in?
or is this a mission script thing?

Its a mission script thing

4) Is there any way to put 2 kinds of terrain (say Neb + Asteroids or something) into one hex?

Yes, but its a mission script thing.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2004, 07:31:41 pm by FPF-TraceyG »
Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2004, 07:01:56 pm »
Thanks Again Tracey!

I thought I was going to have to do something complicated there after the first response.
Good to know that I can't change it., means I don't have to use my brain.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2004, 07:37:53 pm »
Advanced Special Missions:

Lets say you want a special mission to come up only in one hex on the map and no where else. The server will generate a mission choice based off of priority from what the script calls for. So if you want a mission in a specific hex, then the map and the script have to work in tandem. I call this ' map seeding ' so you can get the server to call for a specific mission choice based off of what the script calls for according to the terrain you have moved into.

ED made me a mission and so did Karnak that tested map seeding. Both worked. Here are some examples of different map terrain a hex will have to have in order to draw a specific

Under Artifex, you have the Bases tab with Listening Post and Weapons Platform. Combine this with:
the Asteroid Base under the Planets tab and then with one of the terrain types under the Terrain tab. Using combinations of those, the map and the missions can be paired so a map maker can offer specific missions in specific hexes. Kinda like how you usually only see base missions in base hexes and planet missions in planet hexes.

Now Tracey... lets start discussing that pirate mission thing for SG4... ;)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 09:31:20 pm by dizzy »

Offline Hexx

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Re: Making Maps ... Help Needed (or at least appreciated)
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2004, 07:54:56 pm »
Thanks Diz
I'm trying to keep things to a minimum though, although I think it would be cool (I have some wickedly nasty ideas for nebs involving Suns, rocks and Ion Storms) I'm really not even sure my server idea will work out, so I don't want to entangle a mission designer in something that turns out to be a waste of time..
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