SFC just has it hit and do damage like a regular beam weapon. The actual effect is supposed to be a tractor beam rapidly switching between attract and repel many times a second and causing damage by "shaking" the target.
I've always thought that the tractor texture with the hit effect being like the tractor rotation effect would be pretty cool for it. Maybe after the source is released we can get a cooler effect for it, as well as a proper UI.
The best attributes of the weapon are it's considerable damage potential, outstanding accuracy (never miss all the way out to range 12 on the TRBH), wide firing arcs (combined with the Andros above average turn modes), and the fact that it doesn't use an overload function, restricting it to range 8 to do it's best damage. Also note that it jumps to a better hit % at range 5 where the galactic's weapons typically don't see an improvement inside of range 8 until they reach range 4.
P.S. Sorry, it's blue, like you said. Wrong X2 weapon, on my part.