Topic: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available  (Read 2623 times)

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OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« on: December 01, 2004, 07:35:06 pm »
Hello everyone...

the OP Enhancement Package recieved some updates and some of these updates now require some special instructions for proper install and Uninstall of the Enhancement Package...

So I will list the steps for a proper and full install of the OP Enhancement Package, and the only people that need to be concerned about any additional steps are people who use their own custom models not included in this package... Also, I will list steps to uninstall the previous Enhancement Package which should revert you back to your original CD install of OP with Patch 2552...

anyhow.. here are the proper install steps for the Full Method :

1. Uninstall any additional programs that you added to Orion Pirates, such as the Co-Op Ace, any mission installers, OP +, any mods, scripts, shiplists etc what was added by an installer to Orion Pirates... most of these programs can be uninstalled using Add/Remove Programs.

2. Use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall SFC Orion Pirates.

3. Delete the SFC Orion Pirates game directory off your system.

4. Reinstall SFC Orion Pirates

5. DL, turn off AV, and then install the OP Enhancement Package v2.1

6. Use install Method 1 or 2 (depending if you want OP + Models or OP + no Models).

7. Follow the command prompts closely and read each component that is about to install.. you can cancel any installer upon installer launch.

8. During the Black Dos Box steps of install, you will see a double listing occur 2 times stating press any key to continue... this first happens just after the OP Mod Chooser installs.. this will allow your game to be saved in the original Taldren Shiplist and Ftrlist and sounds for playing on stock servers without having to have multiple installs or OP on your system...

9. The second time that the double listing will occur is after OP + v3.4 and the Mini- Updater installs.. this will preserve OP + in it's pure state if you so choose for it to be saved..

10. The SFC Mini- Updater will launch 2 times.. both times just before the execution of the SFC OP Mod Chooser.. I have this intentional as I do not know if the mini-Updater updates the Stock game or if it updates OP+ on the models.. as such and to cover bases it launches 2 times.

that's it.. just follow all the other install steps normally and accept or close each component as it's installer launches. Re-enable AV.

OP Enhancement Package v2.0 removal and update to OP Enhancement Package v2.1

1. Uninstall any Server Mods or any outside mods that you have added on to OP since you last installed the OP Enhancement Package v2.0

2. Use the OP Enhancement Uninstaller located in your Orion Pirates game directory and allow it to uninstall each and every component.

3. Use Add/Remove programs and uninstall Shipedit and uninstall the OP Sector Assault.

4. This should leave your game in it's stock and unmodified condition from SFC OP v2552 patch with exception of the and metamap.war files and the file.

5. DL and install the OP Enhancement Package v2.1.. Use install methods 3 or 4 as those do not launch patch v2552.. Method 3 has the OP + v3.4 with Models.. , Method 4 has OP + without models. Turn off AV first.

6. Follow the command prompts closely and read each component that is about to install.. you can cancel any installer upon installer launch.

7. During the Black Dos Box steps of install, you will see a double listing occur 2 times stating press any key to continue... this first happens just after the OP Mod Chooser installs.. this will allow your game to be saved in the original Taldren Shiplist and Ftrlist and sounds for playing on stock servers without having to have multiple installs or OP on your system...

8. The second time that the double listing will occur is after OP + v3.4 and the Mini- Updater installs.. this will preserve OP + in it's pure state if you so choose for it to be saved..

9. The SFC Mini- Updater will launch 2 times.. both times just before the execution of the SFC OP Mod Chooser.. I have this intentional as I do not know if the mini-Updater updates the Stock game or if it updates OP+ on the models.. as such and to cover bases it launches 2 times.

that's it.. just follow all the other install steps normally and accept or close each component as it's installer launches. Re-Enable AV.

Custom OP Model users..
  As with previous packages.. back up all models you may have in the Assets\Models folder and in the OPPLUS\Models folder prior to SFC OP reinstall or OP Enhancement Package v2.0 uninstall... follow all other install instructions.. then replace your models after the OP Enhancement Package completes it's install...

Uninstall (if needed)....

Uninstall is automatic as with v2.0 with the following exceptions :

After you finish Uninstalling OP Enhancement Package v2.1 you will need to go into your Orion Pirates game directory and delete the Presetup and the SFCOP Mod Chooser folders and the file called Fleet Pick 2.A Uninstal.exe.

Next you will need to go into Add/Remove Programs and remove the Sector Assault and ShipEdit programs.

To remove the Mini-Updater, Patch v2552, or the *.gf files or *.war files mentioned above, you will need to reinstall Orion Pirates.

Here is a listing of the components that OP Enhancement Package v2.1 will install :

SFC OP Patch v2552 Full Installer (out of Box SFC OP installation only)

SFC OP Bonus add on (Taldren Bonus install CD Content)

OP + 3.4 Shiplist installers by Firesoul created 8-2004

EAW to OP Conversion scripts with *.MCT single player setup files by Firesoul

Sulu Bonus EAW to OP conversion scripts by Firesoul

Complete Evil Dave OP Mission scripts by Nuclear Wessels

EEK Dynaverse mission package by Karnak including the EEK *.MCT single player campaign files

OP + and Standard Fighterlist.txt and shiplist.txt as converted by Karnak for use with the EEK mission scripts in single player (located in Assets\Specs\EEK Shiplist)

OP Patrol Scripts by Tracey Greenough

Dynaverse 2 Model Pack by P81 and Atrahasis

Co-OP Ace Script v3.2.1 as modified by Firesoul

Sector Assault v1.1 for Orion Pirates by MagnumMan

EZ-INI game set up utility by MagnumMan

ShipEdit EAW and Shipedit OP by EagleEye Softwae Group

Fests + v1.1 by Firesoul

SFC-OP mini-updater created 11-06-2004 by Firesoul

In game Model Testing Script v1.2 by Firesoul

Taldren Model Viewer by Taldren

Centauri Vaughn's Fleet Pick 2.A

Centauri Vaughn's  Team Starfleet Battles 3.0 Mission Pack

Strat's Mod Chooser v6.5

Dynaverse Server IP correction *.gf file

Custom conquest campaign *.mct files for single player by Pestalence using Nuclear Wessels scripts.

Conquest campaigns now utilizing the Conquest game map and conquest file as fixed by Pestalence.

EAW to OP Custom Single Player campaign *.mct files created by Pestalence which incorporate Nuclear Wessels scripts into the EAW to OP conversion.

Any other credits are included in the additional readme.txt files installed for NW OP Missions, OP + installation, and EEK OP Missions in
the main Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Directory.

Items that have changed since last Enhancement Package :

EEK Dynaverse mission package by Karnak including the EEK *.MCT single player campaign files

Dynaverse Server IP correction *.gf file

Taldren Model Viewer by Taldren

Centauri Vaughn's Fleet Pick 2.A

Centauri Vaughn's  Team Starfleet Battles 3.0 Mission Pack

Strat's Mod Chooser v6.5

SFC-OP mini-updater created 11-06-2004 by Firesoul

OP + 3.4 Shiplist installers by Firesoul created 8-2004

DL Location :

File Size : 165 MB

I hope that yo all enjoy this new package and I hope that the new features will add enjoyability to your gaming experience and ease of use to all players.

GL and have Fun !!!!!
« Last Edit: December 21, 2004, 05:22:29 pm by Pestalence »
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2004, 10:26:38 pm »
  Pestalence you can mirror this over at the STGD just go over to the shipyard and it click on summit mod and summit it or get Victor or Tony to summit it for you.There are players who may want it over there I know 2.0 got a lot of replies that I took care of.You can upload it to that site as well  just ask the Admins on how.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2004, 10:01:21 am »
10. The SFC Mini- Updater will launch 2 times.. both times just before the execution of the SFC OP Mod Chooser.. I have this intentional as I do not know if the mini-Updater updates the Stock game or if it updates OP+ on the models.. as such and to cover bases it launches 2 times.

Stock game updates.
Besides, I don't think you have to worry about that once I've released the next revision of my mod: all of that will be included in the installer. It's the best way to propagate some of the fixes.

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2004, 12:31:36 pm »
  Pestalence did you fully test the shiplist chooser?I am trying to put back  OP+3.3 and it is not showing up.I PMed Strat to come here to give a hand with this.I was wondering if you fully tested it?The new E Pack is nice and like 104 take up most of my HDD space a mil .I am having problem trying to access the dyna are you suppose to say no game spy and uncheck in the game instalation?I recall that you but want to make sure.
   Please answer your PMs and look up and see if you have and check your forums out or mine.I PMed you the link.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2004, 12:52:40 pm by Age »

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 04:25:18 pm »
  Pestalence did you fully test the shiplist chooser?I am trying to put back  OP+3.3 and it is not showing up.I PMed Strat to come here to give a hand with this.I was wondering if you fully tested it?The new E Pack is nice and like 104 take up most of my HDD space a mil .I am having problem trying to access the dyna are you suppose to say no game spy and uncheck in the game instalation?I recall that you but want to make sure.
   Please answer your PMs and look up and see if you have and check your forums out or mine.I PMed you the link.

Ok.. here is how the laymans install steps go..

1 completely uninstall any and all SFC OP material off your system including any mods, the Taldren Software Inc folder, the MagnumMan and EagleEye folders and so forth...

2 reinstall the Orion Pirates game, say no to Gamespy Arcade and say no to DirectX.

3 DL, turn off Anti-Virus, and install the OP Enhancement Pack, choose the first or second option...

4 follow all instructions that appear in a black dos box after the installer closes.. items will install 1 piece at a time...

5 during the install process you will see Firesoul's Mini-Updater launch, afterwards, Mod Chooser will install... after Mod Chooser installs, it will launch mod Chooser to capture the Original status of Orion Pirates.

6 OP + v3.4 will then install, afterwards, butcause I was unsure of facts at the time, Firesoul's Mini-Updater will launch again, after which the Mod Chooser program will launch.

7 In Mod Chooser, you have to state that you want to save the changes and then give it a name.. as such, I recomment OP + as the name and then assign it to section #1...

8 follow the rest of the install instructions in the dos window...

9 turn Anti-virus back on and scan system if necessary (depending on how paranoid you are)..

that's it..

No one else that I know of is having any trouble with the mod Chooser... but that is how you install it...

hope that this helps.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 04:55:42 pm »
  Everything is running fine and I am able to log on to the dyna now and gsa.The only problem with the chooser is installing for eg. 3.3 or 3.2 .I see in there that there is the sound and spirits and all the folders that are in the assetts folders but they are all empty.How do you install the files to those folders say in bit no.2 or 3.I have at present Taldrens 2552 shiplist&fightlist and I have FireSouls OP+3.4 in bit no1.I am not sure how do get another OP+ in bit no.2 or 3.I tried installing OP+3.3 to bit no.2 and it made itself its own folder and the rest were empty.

   The download went fine and I forgot to turn my AV off like always and installed it the way that you said except I didn't delete Shipedit folder as it is separate folder and I already have the model viewer in a different location where the program folder is.The problem is installing a different mod into the mod chooser like I said above.I folowed all the steps in the dos boxes like 104.I think you need to test the mod chooser out a little.I like your choice of stock Taldrens Ships I saw that on your site. 8)

    The problem does lie in with the mod chooser I can switch to Taldrens 2552 shiplist and FireSouls no problem it is when you want to install another.It is better than the 104 which I still have saved.I hope you can look into but the SFC 3 need that patch and mostly from what  I hear those on GSA need it the most.It is good to see you back and get a hold of Admiral D. to get back on the roster.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2004, 05:17:42 pm »
  Everything is running fine and I am able to log on to the dyna now and gsa.The only problem with the chooser is installing for eg. 3.3 or 3.2 .I see in there that there is the sound and spirits and all the folders that are in the assetts folders but they are all empty.How do you install the files to those folders say in bit no.2 or 3.I have at present Taldrens 2552 shiplist&fightlist and I have FireSouls OP+3.4 in bit no1.I am not sure how do get another OP+ in bit no.2 or 3.I tried installing OP+3.3 to bit no.2 and it made itself its own folder and the rest were empty.

   The download went fine and I forgot to turn my AV off like always and installed it the way that you said except I didn't delete Shipedit folder as it is separate folder and I already have the model viewer in a different location where the program folder is.The problem is installing a different mod into the mod chooser like I said above.I folowed all the steps in the dos boxes like 104.I think you need to test the mod chooser out a little.I like your choice of stock Taldrens Ships I saw that on your site. 8)

    The problem does lie in with the mod chooser I can switch to Taldrens 2552 shiplist and FireSouls no problem it is when you want to install another.It is better than the 104 which I still have saved.I hope you can look into but the SFC 3 need that patch and mostly from what  I hear those on GSA need it the most.It is good to see you back and get a hold of Admiral D. to get back on the roster.

OK first.. concening OP +... since you have v3.4, you can delete the prebious OP + installs, they are not needed and are obsolete...

second, all you have to do is install the mod on to of Orion Pirates in OP + mode (selected in Mod Chooser).. then after the Mod is installed.. jsut launch Mod Chooser.. it will find the changed files.. as such, you now select to save it, give it a new name, then select slot #2...

now you will be able to choose your new mod, OP + and Original game modes...

it should be very simple.. I have no problems swapping between 4 mods after installing OP Enhancement v2.1
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2004, 05:26:10 pm »
  What you are saying is install OP+ the way you would always and then the mod chooser detect it and ask where you would like to put it.I think I know what you are saying just install OP+ and let the chooser do the work am I correct.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2004, 05:31:51 pm »

however, If you are installing an older OP + such as v3.3 or 3.2, then you will have to be in OP + mode, uninstall OP + v3.4 using the OP Plus Uninstall in the OP game directory, then install the older package, then use Mod Chooser, then uninstall that package and install the OP + 3.4 again so that the models will be correct...

See, the problem is using an Older version of OP + like v3.3 or 3.2.. those are OUT OF DATE.. OP + v3.4 has everything that the other OP + contained, except OP + v3.4 has many fixes that are not in the previous versions, plus it contains more ships.. you are just wasting HDD space using older OP + versions...

It is best to save the slots for things such as the UAW mod or the next server for the Dyna that is about to launch....

just letting you know.. thanks..
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2004, 06:34:26 pm »
  I had no problem with mod chooser but in single player conquest campaign when you want the map to zoom out it really zooms out.What could cause this .This has to be your best yet .

   I would check into that map problem although anyone can live with it  including my self just pointing it out to you.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2004, 11:52:35 pm »
The conquest campaigns use taldren's original conquest map developed for OP..

I adjusted the campaign MCT files to use the Conquest map made by Taldren instead of using the single player campaign map.. this was taldrens original intention for conquest campaigns for the empire races... the storyline map was to be used for the Orion Cartel races...

with NW missions and Firesoul's EAW to OP storyline campaigns, the OP Enhancement uses Firesoul's campaign mct files which calls for the standard Taldren maps for single player.. the custom EAW to OP campaign set ups also use the standard single player map.. but when you go to any conquest game ... the mct files use the conquest campaign maps ...

so there is nothing wrond.. the conquest campaign is designed to take a long time to conquer the entire map.. anyhow.. this was Taldren's original design and not mine.. all i did was fix the problem that was never considered a major issue in OP ...

anyhow.. I hope that this helps.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2004, 05:24:51 pm »
   The Storyline and the Conquest maps are different is that what I am hearing in this package and what about the Storeyline custom missions?

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2004, 03:24:46 pm »
The custom storyline campaign uses the stock single player campaign maps...

now Taldren included 3 maps for Storyline.. Early, Mid and Late era maps depending on which era you start the game in... these are the same maps that every campaign uses in Storyline game mode..

all Conquest campaigns use the Conquest game map..

There have been no maps added to OP with OP Enhancement Pack and as such, the OP Enhancement Pack just utilizes the correct maps for the era and game mode you are playing in...

the only difference between Stock and OP Enhancement besides the Custon campaigns is that a campaign such as General Fed now uses the correct Metamap game file (Metamap.war) and now uses the correct Conquest campaign map instead of the storyline game maps... the campaign maps were not altered or adjusted in any way.. only now the OP Enhancement pack utilizes the maps correctly....

hope that this helps.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2004, 05:32:47 pm »
   How come this is unstickied?Yes it did btw.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2004, 09:05:14 pm »
This topic is unstickied because the v2.2 is about to go up as soon as Frey gives me the URL's for the files I uploaded.. there is an upgrader for v2.1 to v2.2 and there is also the full version of 2.2 however I need to get the links before i can post the topic.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2004, 07:39:14 pm »
   I don't know for sure but I think FireSouls plans on coming out with 3.5 in January or sometime in the new year and when doing these can you put hostile skirmish at the top of Pirate 1.It is just when you it play agian you get Pirate 1.Thanks

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v2.1 now available
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2004, 08:09:52 pm »
I have no control over how the skirmish missions list. That is completely with the game engine and most probably the name of the script as I believe it lists alphebetically...
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