From what you suggest, what we need then, is an "on-demand" shipyard.
Lets say the Alliance and Coalition leadership receives the OoB from the campaign admin, then each side's RM is given access to an "on-demand" shipyard, where they login and distribute any ship on the shiplist to any pre-existing player accounts.... like on my webmap shipyard, but instead of just being able to buy ships for your account anytime direct from the shiplist, you can buy them for anyone on the server.. RM's would be expected to stick to the OoB given, and players would still have to trade in ships manually if the limited ship is to be transferred to another captain. I can do this relatively easily, but it requires an SQL server of course...
. That is my best possible solution for the current OoB desires as I see them.
I still think production frequency and PP controls are the best solution for a user-transparent OoB on the flatfile tho - yes it will favour nutters, but so does the current system if you think about it.
I would love to this be possible. I had pilots literally waiting for days to buy certain ships because they happened not to be in the yards when they were on.
As for the OOB, yeah, it's kind of a pain from an RM standpoint. But, I do prefer an "hard" OOB server as opposed to a loose OOB or none at all.
I even liked the specialty ship thing. It made a lot more pilots get back to flying the line ships and expand their horizons beyond flying a drone boat and flipping hexes.

It's good for the Warrior Soul.
I hope we'll see it again in GW5

I think some lessons were learned about how it works and I'll definitly be more careful about tracking what ships are in service and what was destroyed. Plus, I think all the players now understand they should report even the specialty ship kills.