Topic: Armour & Single Internals  (Read 2154 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Armour & Single Internals
« on: December 04, 2004, 11:58:47 am »
If on wished for some nefarious purpose to change a SFC ship back to single internals would
it only have to be the "hull" boxes that need to be reduced or would some other stuff have to be taken out?
(Not involving weapons or anything out- just to reduce a ships hull)

And does armour do anything? Or is it simply akin to a pre-hull hull hit?
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2004, 01:58:12 pm »
It takes 2 internal hits in SFC to take out one "box" of anything.   Every system would be affected, not just hull.   

Armor gets hit first no matter what.
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 04:35:49 pm »
Thx, just out of curiousity say you have 2 ships , uhmm Fed CB's say.
We'll call them A&B ( say Kroma's trying to set a new record)

A has the normal CB stats
B has 1/2 of the normal Labs, a few less points of shields (or maybe a few more)
and Armour.
Would both ships be considered equal (for PVP purposes) Is armour better than the shield
regen or would that be more significant.
(Assuming the pilots are of equal calibre, say J'inn and DH)
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2004, 04:48:56 pm »
How much Armor?

Do you have My MSN address?   Just bug me here.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 06:47:58 pm »
Good question, uhmm well if you cut the CB's total labs in half, and dropped it's shields by say 2 or 3 points how much armor
would you say would equla out (approximately) -if anything to give a *slight* advantage to the armoured ship.
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2004, 09:06:34 pm »
Halving the labs, hull etc. will reduce the total number of damage points, true, however, but all systems have two damage points, including phasers, sensors etc. which for obvious reasons you cant halve.

Reducing the number of labs will reduce the shield recharge rate. Armour does not regenerate (at least its not supposed to).

So, swapping shields with armour is not equivalent.
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2004, 09:58:45 pm »
Good question, uhmm well if you cut the CB's total labs in half, and dropped it's shields by say 2 or 3 points how much armor
would you say would equla out (approximately) -if anything to give a *slight* advantage to the armoured ship.

Hexx ... are you spamming?

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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2004, 10:17:38 pm »
Just trying to get a bunch of loosely connected ideas to gether for a server.
I know what I want to do, just not sure how to pull it off.
I've got a few more ideas to bounce off my two stoog err "volunteers" then I want to clean up the idea and send it
to a few more people, then I'll post the whole thing where you, along with everyone
else will get their chance to ignore and/or reject it.

No spam.. and all planned out  ;D
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2004, 11:55:50 am »
Halving the labs, hull etc. will reduce the total number of damage points, true, however, but all systems have two damage points, including phasers, sensors etc. which for obvious reasons you cant halve.

Reducing the number of labs will reduce the shield recharge rate. Armour does not regenerate (at least its not supposed to).

So, swapping shields with armour is not equivalent.

It deosn't have to be exactly equivalant.
If I want to keep 2 ships (we'll still use the CB's) roughly equivalant for PvP purposes, but reduce the shield regen rate on one of them by 1/2 (by taking out 4 labs)
This (if I'm not mistaken) will also take out 4 "hull" hits  or 8 "internals" (if I understand correctl)

So now we have ship "A" with the stock options
and ship "B" with 1/2 shield regen and 8 less internals.
If I add 4 armour points to ship "B", it's back up to the same number of internals, but ship "A" still has better shield regen.
So would 6 armour points (an extra 4 free internals) 8 armour points (an extra 8 internals) make up for the shield regen?
Or is shield regen of such limited use in PVP that the extra internals are of far greter importance?
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2004, 12:39:30 pm »

Or is shield regen of such limited use in PVP that the extra internals are of far greter importance?

Ever see anyone in and F-NCC over an F-CB if they have a choice.  Actually, NCC versus CB is a pretty good comparison.

It depends, at the CCH level with the reduced spare parts like we had in GW4 (a good thing), most of my CB PvP fight were under 6 minutes so I'm not sure how much of a factor shield Regenration was.
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Re: Armour & Single Internals
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2004, 05:13:07 pm »
Its a question of flying style, and if you're opponent regenerates shields faster than you do.

If your opponent regenerates faster, then you will want to keep the battle going so they dont have time to regenerate. If you regenerate faster, then its in your interests to move off and regenerate shields, since this will give you an advantage.

Fed ships traditionally have had more labs, and therefore better shield regeneration than equivalent hull classes in other races. Fed ships generally have better shielding as well. When fighting a Fed ship, then, it is in the opponent's interests not to allow the Fed player time to move and repair shields, and kill them quickly. In an even match, the Fed player is utilising their ship's capabilities better by allowing shields to recharge knowing their enemy's shields will still be weaker.

Personally, I would prefer better shield regeneration than a few extra points of armour... over time, the better shield regeneration will outweigh the extra armour, but only if you take advantage of your ship's capabilities.
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