Ok i've used the time that I'm sick to get further along in the Romulan Invasion MOD. Not including any new ships that will need to be built/bashed/textured. The shiplist is complete. I've redone all the weapons to reflect more accurate stats for each based on all availible material. Some ships IE the Scimitar pretty much reflects what was seen in the movie weapon wise and speed /manuverability as best ya can get with SFC II/OP so it's UBER but it's UBER expensive so it ways even.Some ships when redone are pretty crappy but ya gotta crawl before ya run right? So it breaks even there. Also the ships available reflect again all availible information . I've reserved places for anything that OutaLance decides to add as well. And as per discussions between myself and F_W playing any race OTHER than the Rommies will be no walk in the park so hopefully everyone will like that challange. IM, PM, or email me with any ideas anyone in OutaLance may have for ships/missions whatever. This is a group project. I being 'puter challanged right now so i can't texture,used this time to get the foundations laid on this project. Progress will depend on obviously everyone else is up to.
OK nuff said,back to work for me.
Ooops almost forgot. KF if ya need any FASA stuff for your MOD idea just let me know. And F_W what era style fighters exactly am i looking for ?