I find it hard to gage someone's skill when your out classed x2 or vice versa

....and find the whole notion kinda silly and prone to hurt feelings or ignite some flamage

...hell ...even traditional racial match ups arent perfectly balanced...and arent meant to be....
A campaign setting, with uneven match ups inherent in the system ,And outside Pressures of VC on your boat, should not be a refelection of ultimate skill when so many random factors are involved...
This is no dig at all...but take this viewpoint as example...
Me and DH are like 1 and a bunch of "got aways" and a whole bunch of "killed by's"...over the corse of years of campaigns....
But "almost" every time I encounter him on a server....he commands a DN...and I'm usually in a D5D or D5L ..etc......you do the math...
Now..as he'll tell ya...I usualy do my best to kick him in the shins while he's killing me....

Is he a better pilot than me?
*shrug*....I dont really care..or think about it in those terms...
I consider it part of the game...my goal is to make him kill me or run me off while trying to put up an honest fight....I find it a valid military tactic to commit a small force to tie up a large enemy resource...so I do it...and once and a while..I give him a bloody nose, and that makes it all worth it...

The only way you guys will settle this is with a series of battle with identical ships with a ref in game....anything else is smack

My list of best pilots are the guys who never make the best pilots list